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  1. S

    What Your think your raw marks will be?

    olol. You should really work on posting less shit.ololtroll. Works on more than 1 level as well.
  2. S

    gesticulating during study

    Well. you could be the one that goes nekkid ;) On an apparently on-topic post, I don't particularly have any hand gestures that occur when studying by myself, in a group of people though I tend to get a lot more animated.
  3. S

    how much study are you doing a day?

    You can look at the standards packages that they have on the official BOS website, they are around there somewhere :)
  4. S

    how much study are you doing a day?

    Fucking spammers. :) Excluding what I do for my major work atm, I've only managed an hour an day of study, and it's pretty light study as well, so screw you all for actually studying :)
  5. S

    Imo 2007

    Haha, Morris :p Good luck with it, definately :uhhuh:
  6. S

    Wasting time when I should be studying.

    That's the reason why.
  7. S

    If you are in year 11, read this first.

    I do think here that you should at least try out extension 2 maths in year 12, at least then you have the option of continuing on if you are capable of it or dropping down if you are not, rather than having no option at all :)
  8. S

    Holiday Homework

    Yeah, same here. Being away from the house for 2 weeks starting tomorrow won't help either :o
  9. S

    Hardest Topic in 3unit?

    The extension 1 class I was in this year learnt projectile motions, SHM and P&C in tearm 1 of this year.
  10. S

    4u decision

    There really isn't much that is new in the extension 2 course, complex numbers and some areas of mechanics, really.
  11. S

    looking for solutions to CSSA Ext 1 Trial 2006

    Hmm, give me a look around, because I definately remember taking a copy of those solutions, but even so I won't be able to scan anything till the end of the holidays. IF you are willing to wait that long, then I'll get them up then.
  12. S

    4u decision

    They are an extension upon the extension 1 syllabus, often covering topics with only a small link with the syllabus. You don't have to complete them to be competent at extension 2 maths, but obviously being able to do them is a good indicator, But even so, you should not worry about whether you...
  13. S


    Mine is around the 3 and a bit week range, I think.
  14. S

    Shamefulll :(

    Obviously not.
  15. S

    Holiday Homework

    Hmm, 3 assessments, plus a crapload of practice essays/tests and whatnot. Oh well :(
  16. S

    Shamefulll :(

    So a combination of both then?