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  1. lunavixen

    heat of combustion questions???

    a literature value is assumption of no heat loss under perfect labratory conditions. experimental values should be self explanatory, it's what you get in the experiment. Accuracy errors are mostly measuremental, so using precise equipment, having the spirit burner going for the same time each...
  2. lunavixen


    if my numbers don't make sense, i just run with it, you can get marks for trying
  3. lunavixen

    Sleepless night

    don't know much about all of you, but i slept fine
  4. lunavixen


    uhhh, not up to studying that yet, but i did cyclodextrins
  5. lunavixen

    Public/Private and Criminal/Civil

    just think, public: involves government private: does not
  6. lunavixen


    i just draw them, my maths is okay, but it's a chem exam, not maths, we got told to only use maths in chem when it's needed
  7. lunavixen

    Legal Studies Notes [terminology for m/c]

    thanks, i had trouble with human rights
  8. lunavixen

    In the fermentation experiment..

    we used cotton wool and a balloon
  9. lunavixen

    Equation Question

    yep, they're right, don't worry it took me forever to grasp net equations
  10. lunavixen

    accuracy in sulfate % fertiliser prac

    if i could help you i seriously would, my prac ended up creating matter (not that it's possible)
  11. lunavixen

    carbonated drinks?????

    well, in an unopened bottle or can of soft drink, there is an equilibrium of CO2 in aqueous and gaseous form, some goes into aqueous and some comes out; like so: CO2(aq)<-->CO2(g) when you open the bottle or can, the gaseous CO2 is released, shifting the equilibrium to the left(?), so more...
  12. lunavixen

    notes you can have

    thank you very much
  13. lunavixen

    Double Jeopardy... No More

    finally, i thought it would never be abolished
  14. lunavixen

    types of crime and levels of court..

    - murder- supreme* - manslaughter-supreme* - assualt -local to supreme - sexual assualt-district to supreme - serious assualts-district to supreme economic offences-depends on the amount, if over 250,000? supreme court - Larceny- local - robbery-local to district - public order offences-...
  15. lunavixen

    just a quick question

    alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation, conciliation, it's cheaper than the courts and a lot faster
  16. lunavixen

    A few random tips

    thanks, i read that carefully and now i realise where i'm going wrong, i keep rushing in tests, this'll help :)
  17. lunavixen

    Module Order

    not the whole class
  18. lunavixen

    what are you allergic to ??

    seafood midgies mosquitos sandflies sunscreen cheap metals and i can't wear gold, because i tarnish it in minutes and there's a few others...