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  1. cara-louise

    That Pin NUmber thing

    does anyone know the website which was given to us on the letter which had the pin number on it i tried looking at the board of studies website.. it didnt help :( your help would be appreciated
  2. cara-louise

    12 Hours To Go!!

    OMG EVERYONE!! Just 12 hours left :) i can't wait!! i shouldnt be here.. but i cant wait!!!
  3. cara-louise

    Title For The Pip

    Hey Guys im trying to finish my PIP, but i have the issue of coming up with a title in the back of my mind all the time. I have no sense of orginality. Would you guys be able to help me out please :). My hypothesis is: Adolescents, aged 13 – 19, ignore the institutions of medical research and...