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  1. Rage01

    How necessary is physics?

    Hey everyone I just had a few questions regarding Engineering. For my HSC I did 4U Maths but didn't do Physics so I was wondering if it would be beneficial to do a bridging course for Physics before uni starts? Reading through the forums there seems to be mixed reviews about whether or not you...
  2. Rage01

    The textual integrity of Hamlet

    Hey everyone, I'd just like to ask anyone here if they could give me some handy pointers, links or personal opinions as to the textual integrity of Hamlet. I'm having a really difficult time understanding just what it is as every site seems to have different and/or contradicting definitions...
  3. Rage01

    Need help :( Glycerol and Bubbles

    Hi, MY science assignment requires me to determine how varying amounts of glycerol/glycerine affect the size of bubbles. I've looked everywhere but i can only find that glycerol makes the bubbles last longer after being blown. I conducted my own experiment showing that glycerol makes it smaller...