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  1. U

    Whats maths ever done for you>

    hmmm people are fired up tonight, so did anyone catch the maths homework
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    Whats maths ever done for you>

    wow people seem to have some strong feelings then does anyone think their is one subject that is a complete waste of time?
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    world cups who will win

    two big world cups this year who will win Cricket and Rugby? Although rugby looks like the only uncertainty
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    How did you find/hear about us?

    Jafar i think AGB has it in for u
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    Whats maths ever done for you>

    or perhaps not Have u though about how much time you've spent waisting away losing hours of your life doing maths only to realise it equipts u for nothing in life other than perhaps a better UAI Consider this we spend 12 years in school then at least 37 years working all to retire with...
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    Whats maths ever done for you>

    no it didn't
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    What do you use?

    i've got four textbooks for bizos but i reckon it's best to get familiar with diff. types of questions cauz the HSC questions have got to be inspired by something, But even still the more Tbooks u have the more confused u can get as each one disagrees with the other
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    anything bus RND rap or anyother form of repitious rap crap!
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    Whats maths ever done for you>

    Whats maths ever done 4 you? When are we ever gonna use this @#!*&^$%
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    case studies

    AGB U should listen to DAD LOL