Search results

  1. Y

    How and where did you meet your GF/BF??!!??

    I met mine about three months ago. Some friends of mine from the year below went out for graduation and invited me to tag along to get my mind off things. I had a thing for her friend. She didn't even talk to me and I found out she was an old mates girlfriend. She broke up with him after we hung...
  2. Y

    What's the sweetest thing your partner has ever done for you?

    I walked half an hour in the rain to her house just to give her a hug and make her some tea. One of the sweetest things she's done would probably be when she dreamt I got sick or died or something. And she called me up at like 6am to make sure I was ok and still alive because she was crying...
  3. Y

    Lose it or not?

    Hmmm, shes not dog ugly, but she isnt uber hot...
  4. Y

    Lose it or not?

    well there's at least three people id rather lose it too, so maybe ill wait a month and get back to her...
  5. Y

    Lose it or not?

    Im contemplating losing my virginity to somebody i don't care about in anyway, she just asked if i wanted to be her fuck buddy... and well, i agreed because besides this it will be a long time before i see any sort of action. Is virginity worth losing to someone you love, with today's...
  6. Y

    Casual relationships

    i have casual spooning relationships with... well a lot of my friends, it looks weird to other people, but its what we do :P nothing like a good spoon between friends.
  7. Y

    Have you ever had a homosexual experience?

    ive had dry sex with a guy, long time ago... but im not gay, completely straight, at least nowadays. :rolleyes:
  8. Y


    Hips, face, hair.
  9. Y

    Worst Person You Ever Liked Or Went Out With

    Hmmm. One girl i really liked, had liked her for ages, went overseas... came back, that nigth, we fooled around, the next day we were discussing it... I freaked out and said "Hey lets stay friends, always friends! yeah yeah! Shake on it!" - I am probably the worst person she had ever liked...
  10. Y

    Your First Ever Crush - Where Are They Now?

    mine was in year 11, good friend. She turned into a bitch when i told her how i felt. Good friends again now, Supposedly had issues back then. Coffee with her tommorow.
  11. Y

    trying to fall out of love,

    haha tom, ill get the photos to you asap.
  12. Y

    trying to fall out of love,

    Wouldnt that make you a dumbass for yelling at people you dont know over the internet then about them crying to people that they dont know?
  13. Y

    trying to fall out of love,

    I dont see how it makes me a pussy by being completely over her? But oh well. A pussy i am then.
  14. Y

    trying to fall out of love,

    Nah, im completely over her, i dont mind being friends. But none of this best friend bullshit. Good luck with your problem though man, and good luck with yours too Tom.
  15. Y

    trying to fall out of love,

    ok now, im totally over her and all that. But we seem to be going back to being great friends again. She came out the other night to the movies and then out for drinks... and Even with her boyfriend there she was back to her old self with me. Flirting, laughing, teasing, ignoring him, splitting...
  16. Y

    trying to fall out of love,

    over her. feels great.
  17. Y

    trying to fall out of love,

    yeah a new friend of mine just told me she likes me the other day, now its weird... especially when she is really good friends with my mate who practically lives with me. So she stays the night sometimes :/
  18. Y

    trying to fall out of love,

    Yah, time is a bad word... but its ok. Ill just wait till she wakes up in a few months and go back to being friends then.
  19. Y

    trying to fall out of love,

    Any chance you could just go away turbo? just because you are bitter and twister, dont take it out on us, or me to be more specific. All you do is pay people out here, while i am looking for genuine advice and whatnot. Go away. Shoo.