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  1. picaresque

    Enforcing word limits

    So, I just wanted to know in general: how strict is the eco and bus faculty about annoying things like words limits? i mean, in law we were given the rule: one word over 1000 baby and half a mark off. but with these rather floppy ecop and govt word limits, i want to know what i can get away...
  2. picaresque

    Over 24 cp per semester?

    I'm planning on doing Economics and Social Sciences/Law at Sydney and I think the standard course load is 24 cp per semester. This pretty much means I can take a subject for each of my majors (taking two) and the compulsory Law subject. But I really really wanted to take electives from the Arts...
  3. picaresque

    Shortlisted for Young Writers Showcase

    i was wondering if anyone could shed light on the whole ordeal of being shortlisted for the 2004 Young Writers Showcase - i've heard it implies you recieved a terribly good mark externally for you mw. however, for those people who didn't recieve the shortlisting: can they still get 50 or 49...
  4. picaresque

    2003 Young Writers Showcase

    I recently recieved my copy; have any of you had a chance to read it? What do you all think of the quality of the works featured?
  5. picaresque

    Concepts for Body of Work

    I'm having trouble developing my Body of Work - it's taken me forever to develop a concept and the one I've chosen is now heavily entrenched in perceptions of self and identity and insect morpholgy. But I am having the most difficult time developing this into a series of works (or a work at...
  6. picaresque

    Seeking Advice on Courses

    Hi. I'm currently in Yr 11 (Yr 12 2004) James Ruse. (I think most of you know enough about my school to understand it's UAI record etc.) I'm aiming for an UAI of 99.8+ to get into Combined Law at USyd with clearance, in case the UAI cut-off rises, or something else equally terrible occurs...
  7. picaresque

    A question on Journals

    What would be ideal as a journal? An exercise book, a folder, a scrapbook? I was thinking of using a large sketch book like my Visual Arts diary, but I'm not sure if that's appropriate for Extn 2 eng. And I'm one of those terribly anal people that become fixated on small details. Any...