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  1. Arvin Sloane


    lolololololololololololololololololololol. the end.
  2. Arvin Sloane


    What where you playing?
  3. Arvin Sloane

    Gilmore Girls

    typical sexy comment. ;)
  4. Arvin Sloane


    You can not hide your evidence! The truth shall come free!
  5. Arvin Sloane


  6. Arvin Sloane

    Ngyuen's Execution

    He should be thankful he's not being thrown from the Tarpeian Rock.
  7. Arvin Sloane

    Biggest turn offs ever?

    I like to hump your leg when I greet you.
  8. Arvin Sloane


    My god, a whole other world of spam.
  9. Arvin Sloane

    Post a Pic

    It's me!
  10. Arvin Sloane

    got a fetish?

    You know what the say about big gloves?
  11. Arvin Sloane

    How much do you download?

    Why didn't I think of that? :p
  12. Arvin Sloane

    How much do you download?

    Wow. :o It's the only bad thing about broadband, that my harddrives are both nearly full. :(
  13. Arvin Sloane

    can anyone recommend a good book?

    Read a classic (i.e Anna Karenina) that you mightn't ordinary read. Not having anything else to do on a long flight will force you to read it.
  14. Arvin Sloane

    Been scared to talk to the one u like??

    You should get that checked.
  15. Arvin Sloane

    How much do you download?

    (this is not a my penis is bigger then yours thread. you are not a better human if you download the whole internet daily. oh wait. yes you are.) I'm using the Exetel 'R 6U' (512 kbps Down/128 kbps Up-32 gbytes, free downloads from 2-10am)
  16. Arvin Sloane

    got a fetish?

    Mmm, realistic texture!
  17. Arvin Sloane

    Favourite item of clothing

    Me! I love that side of men's fashion. My dream is to make a pilgrimage to Savile Row. <3 Bespoke. Nice jacket by the way, although, and this is a frequent gripe of mine, your collar looks a bit weird, but it may just be the angle of the photo, etc. And the sleeves seem a tad too long, as...
  18. Arvin Sloane

    got a fetish?

    Phallic object anyone?
  19. Arvin Sloane

    got a fetish?

    I've got a fetish for your loving.