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Search results

  1. P

    2006 UTS Offers

    Hi.. B.Design Fashion & Textiles Design/ B.A International Studies for me..i really have no clue whats going on..but im really excited. do we have to make the timetable and choose our sub majors/ electives or do we do that on our appointment day???
  2. P

    Japanese Whalers

    ok guys...whaling is wrong and im sure you would find most japanese people disgusted at the thought of eating bloody whale meat which is synonymous with times of national hardship. during times of poverty, and before trade began with the west, the japanese people relied on the sea for their...
  3. P

    Section I - Multiple Choice and short answers

    it wasnt d) for 8......not all leaders were united....eg..Mannix....same response from prtoestant clergy. I put a)
  4. P

    Under Word Limit

    If your Major Work is resolved, do you think it really matters if your major work is under the word limit? My work, for example is about 2 000 words, and most of my poems are haiku etc so they aren't very lon individually. Thanks! Good Luck to everyone else.
  5. P

    ppl who lived in japan

    皆さん、今日は! 僕は一年間日本で留*しました。本当に人生の*で一番良い経験*と思います。いい時も、辛いときもあったけど、本当に良かったです。ホストファミリはとても親切で、その家族の一人になったの感じでした。最初の3ヶ月間は、あんまり何も分からなかったけど、段々分かる様になってきました。
  6. P


    kutay, are you from oakhill?? see below