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  1. C

    Me and my girls going to entrance anyone else going??

    hmmm ... yes ... fish dont eat humans .. unless its a pierana ..
  2. C

    Me and my girls going to entrance anyone else going??

    ooooo nothing like a little gay action!!! lol jks
  3. C

    Me and my girls going to entrance anyone else going??

    yup!!!! Partay baby :D ..
  4. C

    Me and my girls going to entrance anyone else going??

    Yes i concur .. we are having a party every day of every week .. but in order for selection process to begin .. people must post pics hahahahahaa .. im so insensative :) ..and i like it ... anywayz hope ur feeling better melllll --- love u :)
  5. C

    Me and my girls going to entrance anyone else going??

    Party at our apartment but were selective ;) lol
  6. C

    Girls' thoughts to their own pleasure

    i agree .. and why is it men keep asking whether girls do or not?? is it such a big deal its not like men get some sort of pleasure out of it .. and yet again the world remains a mysterious place .. men are from mars women are from venus what more can i say??
  7. C

    Girls and Guys as friends...

    guy friends are just friends because they are too ugly to date lol!! jks
  8. C

    complete this sentence pt 2

    love is "when you want to give and give more ... lust is when you want to take and take more "
  9. C

    Why didn't your last relationship work?

    hmm i blame it on the boredom ..
  10. C

    Exchange students; immoral?

    i think of love song dedications ... shella tell me your problems ..
  11. C

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    most the chicks that wore those boob tubes were flat as.... considering they were 12 .. lol creates the surfboard effect!!!
  12. C

    being loud and noisy

    you missed 'OOOOOOOOOOO' and "OH MORE... HARDER' lolol
  13. C

    Why didn't your last relationship work?

    fighting while fucking hmm interesting ....
  14. C

    Why didn't your last relationship work?

    He Was Gay!!!!!....
  15. C

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    Nah, im not fat or ugly .. lol ... i think :)
  16. C

    What do you look for in the opposite sex?

    just follow the stretch marks home :) lol
  17. C

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    Im ugly and fat but i love it :) LOL!!!!
  18. C

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    Pubs r gross .. not good looking chicks and last time i went to one i felt like all the guys were starring at me ... hunting me down or something
  19. C

    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    No because girls dont make signs then call you a pevert that doesnt make sense??? if a girl wanted it why would she think you were a pevert .. but then again if u went a bit far .. pevert wouldnt come into it the girl would just think you were an idiot .. and once you start talking to the girl...