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  1. piratewolf

    How did everyone go for their Proposal?

    Eh, 18/20. Much thanks to the '03ers. I think I'm third.
  2. piratewolf

    Chapter One.........(Blank Pages).........The End

    Apparently the markers, while they of course don't mark the journals, do give some consideration to the volume. A thin journal seems to indicate a certain thinness of thought, and vice-versa. At least, that's what our teacher said. That having been said, my journal is very thin indeed.
  3. piratewolf

    hmph, started?

    Three pages of my radio script done, and I've ground to a halt.
  4. piratewolf

    2004 target UAI

    99.**. Never studied this hard in my life before. And it's the holidays. Something's very, very wrong. :D
  5. piratewolf

    What medium are the '04's using?

    That's the way it's looking. I'm the first person at my school to do it.
  6. piratewolf

    Year 12 2004!

    Wolf. Ext. 2 English, General Maths, Art, Drama, Physics. Edit : inner journeys, Imagined Corners, Brave New World/Bladerunner, Geoffery Robinson for Advanced. Crime Fiction for Extension.
  7. piratewolf


    Resevoir Dogs, Run Lola Run, Pi, Peel (campion's short film), Life Is Beautiful, Gattica, Mulholland Drive, Children of the Revolution, Taxi Driver, A Clockwork Orange, Fireworks (kitano) and Metropolis for films. As for music...Dylan, The White Stripes, Hendrix, The Velvet Underground, Hot...
  8. piratewolf

    Kill Bill

    It's been a long six years, Quentin. The question is - was it worth it? Any thoughts on Kill Bill part I, and/or Mirimax's decision to go down the path of greed and split it into two parts? Personally, I think that if he'd made one film and been forced to cut an hour or so of extranious...
  9. piratewolf

    Colesmyer - Kmart

    Didn't know about the wage query form, thanks. I work at Broadway. Doing nightshifts - everyone else there seems to be either a) working on the other side of the store as me or b)an incomprehensible 30 year-old Incidentally, I've never had training - or in fact any kind of explanation of...
  10. piratewolf

    Colesmyer - Kmart

    Holy fuck, KMart sucks. Done my first shift and I still haven't been paid for induction training. I have a sneaking suspicion they've lost or otherwise fucked up my bank details. And the fuckers doing the roster keep asking me what days I can't do - then putting my shifts ONLY on those days...
  11. piratewolf

    Rate your best and worst subjects

    Best : English Extension 2 Worst : English Advanced Bloody Journey.
  12. piratewolf

    Stupid art teachers

    The art teachers where I go are champs. 'Cept for one, he's a nutter, but he doesn't teach year 12 so who cares? Of course, I say they're champs now...ask me in a year's time ;)
  13. piratewolf

    Doing your own work.

    Well, as they say...why create mediocrity when you can imitate genius? I am the champion of scissors, paper, rock.
  14. piratewolf

    Prefect / Vice / Captain

    At the school I go to, it's more of an accomplishment NOT to get prefectship. 'Bout 150 in the year last time around, and I think less than twenty didn't get it. It's ridiculous. Incidentally - no special priveleges or extra responsibilities, just a fugly silver badge that costs $70.
  15. piratewolf

    What medium are the '04's using?

    Whee, radio drama's looking popular. Only me so far.