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  1. Natto

    Need A SUMMARY

    OK ... I want to keep it frank so here is my situation, ah I NEED an Ideas to implementation summary! So I was wondering if someone could give me one that I can edit and change to suit me. I just dont ant to do one from scratch cause I DONT HAVE THE TIME. So if anyone knows of one, or has one I...
  2. Natto


    Ok guys I want to hear some views and reasons as to which elective is the best :)
  3. Natto

    Stupid Copywrite Thingy

    Hey Everyone :), I have been browsing Kazaa lately, and downloading some songs, and until now I have had no problems. ;) But recently I have downloaded a couple of songs that have this high pitch screech half way through them, sometimes the whole song is this unbearable sound. An example...
  4. Natto


    Can some one please post me some instructions on how to put a picture as your signitare Thankyou
  5. Natto

    Hitch - Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy

    This was an awesome book, I loved it......At first I hated it cause it was a book that was compulsory to read for english but since then i have read it three times..... Its a satirical look at the genre of space opera, Its really funny, because it pokes fun at humans and their emotion and...
  6. Natto


    Hello everyone, I am a first time user and this is my first "Post"... Now I am a drama student, I have just started the year 12 syllabus. My problem is I need some Ideas about good monologues that I can start pasting into my logbook and evaluating them.... Can some one please give me some...