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  1. R

    2005 HSC Answers

    oh god, i thought i was so smart...
  2. R

    2005 HSC Answers

    fro 25ii., i worked out that there would be a 3/5 chance to win $4, which would mean 5 X 12 = 60, so 3 X 12 = 36. 36 X $4 = $144. but to lose $8 = 1/5 chance, 1 X 12 = 12. $8 X 12 = $96, 144 - 96 = $ 48 so she won $48 in total. For 25iii. i figured that now she had to win 3/6 = 30 X $4...
  3. R

    In The Wild vs Transformations

    i did transformations and looking at both, mine did seem easier. relationshio between humans and nature of something? prolly if id studied it, wild would have been better though. who knows. DAMN THAT JANE AUSTEN!!!