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  1. D

    Amme2500 & Phys2911/2011

    I'm fairly sure quite a few people will have this clash. I want to see if we can get enough people from here to contact them about it :) To me it seems a bit stupid for them to have 2 lectures on AMME2500 at different times on the same day. Anyway, if you have this clash, post here and let...
  2. D

    Just noticed the beige pages are now working...

  3. D

    PHYS1001 -> PHYS1901

    Hey guys, this is a valid change right, PHYS1901 is just the advanced version of PHYS1001?
  4. D

    Change subs + look @ Timetables on myadmin now

    hey guys you can change subjects and look at your timetables now. I'm too scared to look at the timetable though because of the warning you get before it... Something about not being able to print it twice.
  5. D

    Business or pleasure?

    So why are you doing your degree? To make money, or because you are interested in it? Me? A little from both columns.
  6. D

    Enrolment letters are GO!

    Yay i got mine!
  7. D

    Are we supposed to have gotten a confirmation letter by now?

    Well I thought we were supposed to get a confirmation letter in 10 days, but its been longer than that now... did you guys get yours?
  8. D

    Engineering computing vs Chemistry: 1st semester

    Hey on enrolment the guy changed chemistry to engineering computing. How does this limit my options, i'm doing flexible first year and I want to do either mechanical or civil at the end of the year. Does it really matter?
  9. D

    What time do we have 2 get there?

    Say it says I enrol between 9 and 1pm tomorrow does it mean I have to get there at 9am and stay till 1pm or does it mean just go at anytime between those two?
  10. D

    Q about enrolling

    Just to clear this up all we have to do is attend the relevent enrolment day this week right? Is there anything else we have to do to respond to our offer?
  11. D

    3u maths bridging course

    has anyone here done the 3u maths bridging course? i'm thinking of doing it but dont know, i did 3u in y12 (got 90%) but over the hols i reckon i haven forgotten most of it. Is it worth doing as a reviser? how much of 3u is relevant to maths for engineering?
  12. D

    BE/BSci question

    Hey guys, with the BE/BSci, is it possible to do a double major in this course for the BSci? If so how hard would it be to do, would it be a lot more work than a single major? I'm looking @ doing maths + physics btw. I've heard a lot of the maths is taken care of in the Engo degree anyway...
  13. D

    Raw marks for bands?

    What do you guys think the raw marks for bands 4/5/6 would be? I'm aiming for like ~85 hopefully...
  14. D

    List of themes to know for essays

    Themes The six themes that are incorporated across topic areas and reflected in the outcomes of the Preliminary and HSC courses are: Justice, law and society ¥ the interrelationship between the concepts of justice, law and society Continuity and change ¥ the evolution of legal rules...
  15. D

    Define 'World Order' for me

    What definition are you using for world order? I can't find any clear cut definition.
  16. D

    Semiconductor modelling prac!

    Can someone explain this to me please? The one with the egg carton! I have no idea what the hell the csu website is talking about... ty
  17. D

    Did you attempt Q7?

    Did you attempt Q7 at all? I ran out of time at the end of Q6 :(
  18. D

    How did you go?

    What do you reckon you got, I'm talking raw marks here: I reckon I got around mid 80's.... Shipwrecks was a little weird :|
  19. D

    Monitoring phosphate levels + dissolved oxygen

    The best way to quantitatively do this is as follows right: Add ammoium molybdate, then ascorpic acid (vit c) turning it a deep blue colour. Use a spectrophotometer to measure the absorpance and compare this with a standard solution's absorpance that has been treated in the same way. You can...
  20. D

    Environmental problem with Silver oxide batteries?

    Are there any??? Only thing i cant find info on? how are they safely disposed?