expect stuff like that the whole course. The course forces you to reflect on your studies, accounting theory and accounting into the future.
The first few tuts youre like WTF am i doing but hey - its an easy course pretty much impossible to fail which is a blessing compared the rigours of the other 300 level courses.
Tips: complete everything they tell you to do and do every task the best you can every week. Each weeks course material is to be handed in in a portfolio at the end of the semester amounting to 50% of your mark. If you make sure you do each task well every week, you wont be hurriedly adjusting everything at the end for your portfolio. This helps you avoid double handling.
I got a D without buying the textbook and without listening to any of the lectures. Its all about the tut work which somewhat integrates the lecture material but a quick skim of the lecture slides suffices. Complete every task - missing out just one question gets you a 0 for the weekly homework.
Other wierd tasks you will do includes bringing in play-dough and moulding something which is your representation of accounting (or something like that) and then telling the class. Another one is a group presentation that you have 1 week to prepare for. Prepare for alot of group work and a good group goes a long way. I pretty much had to solo do most of the group work.