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  • heeey! haha idk if you remember me or not but earlier this year (i think) i was asking you about the course ur doing b science/m nutrition and dietetics cos i was interested in doing it for uni next yr. i'm now interested in the b applied science (exercise and sport science)/m nutrition and dietetics. because both courses have incredibly high atar cut-offs i was advised to just choose the normal bachelor's e.g. choosing b applied science (exercise & sport science) instead of the one with the master cos in order to do the master you have to go through the normal bachelor's degree anyway. so i did that...but then a few days ago i was comparing the course structure and its slightly different to eachother (but still similiar). do i have a good chance of transferring from the b applied science (exercise and sport science) to the one with the masters? lol so sorry if i sound confusing...cos i am myself a bit haha.
    oh btw, im applying for eas because there was a death in my immediate family. usyd only offers a maximum of 5 bonus points. even with that i don't think i will reach 90 at least haha.
    hey, from what i've do b science/m nutrition and dietetics.
    im very interested in doing this course next year. i know the atar cut-off is really high..was it 97.45 or somewhere around there. i know there is a similar course: b applied science/ m nutrition and dietetics but that too is also high but only like 1 point lower .. 96.45 ?
    i was just wondering if i choose just a b science would i be able to transer to the b science/m nutrition and dietetics course like after one year ?

    did you get this course early/main round ?
    what was your atar ? above 97 obviously ? lol.
    20th oct - business
    21st - english
    22nd - ipt
    23rd - english
    26th - maths and ancient
    29th - bio.

    pretty bad. can you beat that? haha
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