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  • lol ok i changed it to make it a bit less pretentious hahaha got rid of the bold blue state ranking thing and just put it in brackets in my list of marks haha
    but hey we're usyd law students remember? which apparently is synonymous with being pretentious haha =P
    LOL, not really. I didn't even do Senior History. I'm choosing units in politics. :)
    haha! i thought i was missing out on some new internet-speak.
    thanks for rep, glad you like it.
    Exactly, Draco made the movie good ^^

    Well they are splitting up the next movie into 2, so perhaps it'll be explained in there?
    Hehehe, he's soooo awesome. And didn't he look super fine when he looked into the mirror? :D
    Yeah, the burrow scene was random. I guess it was the producers realising that they needed to show some special effects XD
    It's probably my favourite movie too, only because Draco looked sooooooooo hot in it ^^
    Yeah, it's so retarded. I was waiting for a flash back. I don't understand how they're going to explain the Snape, Lilly and James relationship at the end now :S
    Yeah i did ^^

    It was pretty good for entertainment but the book was much better (obviously). It had too much on the love triangles, a random plot of Draco calibratinig the vanishing cupboard which seemed pointless (besids allowing me to see him mwahahaha) and didn't have an awesome battle at the end :(

    But it was pretty good - can't wait for the next 2 movies :D
    What'd you think of it?
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