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  • hay Kat92, i am doing a literature review on Parenting and caring for CAFS and can not find what to write for it! i a really struggling with it, my questions is 'how do parental roles change throughout the birth of the first child to adulthood?' if anyone could help me with sources that would be muchly appreciated!!!
    thanks for the rep :)

    hehe what do you like about the sig

    some boser kid (pika luv) made it for me btw
    Yeah I do enjoy mathematics. English isn't much of my area so have to get tudoring for it. I like technology that's why I did IST.
    I was actually thinking of becoming a chemical engineer once I finished high school.

    Well its good that your enjoying your IT course.

    I've never heard of the word boser until now :shy:. I know what BOS standed for. Any ways thanks for the compliment on my album.

    You should check out more albums, some are pretty good.:)
    I once had a trainee teacher for maths and she used terms we didn't even know what they meant.
    At that time we were doig percentages. I'm good at maths but not the percentages topic. I think I failed that test or just pased because I didn't understand anythig she taught us. She didn't explain it to us at the level we were at, she explained it like as if we were at senior level :( !!!

    I'm thinking of architecture and engineering at the moment but i'm not sure what part of it. Theres' too many options to choose from so I'm a bit confused.
    What uni do you go to??
    Do you like what your doing??

    You actually liked mu pictures!!!

    no, I got the pictures from the internet. :)
    btw what does boser mean??
    I rkn I did well!! :)

    So you did the same electives as I am doing now. Except I didn't do Jap.
    What part in commerce did you find annoying?

    So what are you doing now since you finished HS?
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