Recent content by Lizakith

  1. Lizakith

    High-Waisted Skirts??

    I own one high waisted skirt and I love it. But that's because it's also a knee length black pencil skirt that was on sale, which is something I had been looking for for months.
  2. Lizakith

    Asian Hair

    "Hi, I'd like you to make me look as much like a prepubescent girl as possible"
  3. Lizakith

    Rules for Customers

  4. Lizakith

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    Christmas closedown Dec 24th - Jan 5th.
  5. Lizakith

    Rules for Customers

    There are one or two customers at work that just make my blood pressure skyrocket. These are their offences - Don't expect me to read your mind if you have more than one problem. If I fix one issue, don't come back to me and ask if a second issue that you never raised with me is fixed as...
  6. Lizakith

    So how often do you get a haircut?

    too often :(
  7. Lizakith

    Rules for Customers

    I would like to see this happen
  8. Lizakith

    Age Difference

    I would like to adopt you
  9. Lizakith

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    where are these mythical comfortable-cheap flats from?
  10. Lizakith

    Summer holiday job?

    1) Its not early, actually it's quite late to be looking for a job for the Christmas holidays. Most places which would require Christmas casuals finished hiring about a month ago. 2) Of course you can work and study. It's not like it hasn't been done, so just find a good balance for yourself.
  11. Lizakith

    Myer Uniform

    ...Riet, please tell me you were making a lame troll attempt
  12. Lizakith

    Myer Uniform

    I think they just meant not sleeveless. Short sleeves will be fine.
  13. Lizakith

    Clothes for the formal

    Um...Riet's not going to a formal... and they're called cummerbunds.
  14. Lizakith

    Casual Job Offers - Today

    No dude, you're a moron.