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  • Hello jenga.

    How are you finding French Extension? I actually own Jean de Florette and find that Pagnol utilises his pompous French language way, way too much in that novel. Ça m'enerve!! Do you have a different teacher for extension?
    Thanks alot for the pieces of information about Quebec and nursing :]
    It really helped me decide to continue to study it @ Uni next year (all this tossing up between courses and stuff)

    Merci beaucoup ^.^
    OK. So you're Canadian/Australian? That's weird, since if I recall you didn't really have a strong Canadian accent. I thought you were Australian until you mentioned that you were Canadian to Mrs Shelhot!

    You mentioned that you were from Ontario. By any chance, did you come from Toronto? If you did, did you find it better there or here in Sydney (or where ever you live in New South Wales)? Does it snow much there? Does it really get below -30 degrees Celcius during winter? The reason I ask you this, is that I really want to live in Canada one day and I'm confused whether to settle in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal or Quebec City.

    Are you doing French by the Open High School? I think I'm in the same class as you. You were the one who plays hockey right and thought that many Canadians take learning French for granted?
    hey, left u a msg on your thread that may help you understand the nsw education system a bit better
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