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  1. rumbleroar

    Increasing fees in popular courses?

    saw this I think it's terrible plan...it's almost as if the government is trying to discourage people from furthering their education by making it more expensive for students. It's really unfair for students of more disadvantaged or lower-socio economic backgrounds. I bet all this money is...
  2. rumbleroar

    Do any of your parents force you to do what you don't want?

    what does race have to do with shaping a person's aspirations?
  3. rumbleroar

    Advanced English - what's with the time constraints?

    I just had my English Advanced assessment today lol! tbh you're going to surprise yourself...I'm typically super slow but I managed to churn out 6 and a bit pages for my essay today. If you need practice, just practice writing quickly and articulating your thoughts well enough so it gets on...
  4. rumbleroar

    Can I get a 99+ ATAR if I try?

    its not about working harder, but working smarter. identify your problem areas and determine where you can improve and work on those areas. your mx2 rank is a bit concerning, and you definitely need to pull your game up A LOT. even if scaling and stuff is so awesome for MX2, you definitely need...
  5. rumbleroar

    HSC Journal #13097

    still alive but im barely breathin - EA OVER - did soo much prep lol it probably didnt even count for anything fuck english lol - finished half of hsc polynomials - did a few more essay plans for VA - on draft 3 for eng ext :3 luvin da globalising world also weird but are poeple supposed to...
  6. rumbleroar

    North Sydney Girls High School vs. Hornsby Girls High School

    ... unless you have actually been to a selective school, these presumptions have been very blindly made. its a stupid misconception a lot of asian kids at selective schools are controlled by their parents. and unless you are an asian parent who did make the sacrifice to come to australia so...
  7. rumbleroar

    HSC Journal #13097

    progress: - got angry because literally wasted entire day doing english and found it to be disheartening and useless, but sort of did essay plans, and changed ideas (again) - finished ext creative draft, on draft 2 - did a plan for VA essay (pretty much wrote an essay without proper sentences lul)
  8. rumbleroar

    HSC Journal #13097

    progress: - finished graphs HSC questions today ! ! ! ! - finished some HSC polynomials + revision sheet (why do they take 4eva) - finished FT assessment - essay plans for mod A (need refinement) - 1006/1200 words for eng ext creative!!! was also supposed to start some mx2 induction but ceebs
  9. rumbleroar

    How to look cool?

    u gotta get your swag levels up invest in some fully sik snapbacks with dolla signs to show you are the epitome of swagitude shirts optional so get ur abs stone hard bum bags always good 2 go generally, with pants, the lower they approach the ground, the better. you need to show the world you...
  10. rumbleroar

    HSC Journal #13097

    l0l someone who is whipped by morning class progress: - read FT article, almost finished with task!! exciting!!! - finished mod A essay (omg it was horrible), did a frankenstein/BR mind map as well - finished 1/2 of ee1 creative - reformatted aww notes, also wrote a set of notes on petra...
  11. rumbleroar

    Doing past papers- Handwriting vs Typing

    hand write need to get it legible lol
  12. rumbleroar

    HSC Journal #13097

    yesterday: - wrote two more paragraphs for mod A essay (on ~972/1200 words) - did questions 1-3 of all hsc graphing questions - drafted some designs for BoW also i finished my second maths book for mx2 dearest math book, may you be a beautifully ugly reflection of 1/2 term 2's work. rip
  13. rumbleroar

    How to ask this person out?

    Flex while you're at it Or are you not muscular enough for that?
  14. rumbleroar

    HSC Journal #13097

    Today: - finished mx2 exercise - died and had a nap - had to restart my ea mod a essay (goddamn) so on 491/1200 words Couldn't get much done because I was super dead
  15. rumbleroar


    I'm not sure which scholarship you're talking about that has that criteria, but are you asking about this one: https://scholarships.online.unsw.edu.au/scholarship/sc_al_search_detail.display_scholarship_details?p_scholarship_specific_id=579 I think you should talk to your careers advisor at...
  16. rumbleroar

    How to ask this person out?

    1. have you talked to them? because it is /a bit/ creepy to be dreaming of them 2. just start talking to them. it isn't that hard. you may or may not get ~lucky~ and go out with them. you can also find out whether or not this person is a good person, not just a pretty face lol good...
  17. rumbleroar

    Is talent 100 good?

    Iirc, they have trial periods. Go for those first. English I recommend private tutoring and maths is dependent on your own ability. Project academy is a very good and comprehensive place for maths tutoring imo. The people there are extremely supportive and helpful :)
  18. rumbleroar

    HSC Journal #13097

    today: - 2 mx1 paper (it was actually bits and pieces of papers for da second but oh wellz) - 1 mx2 paper (l o l) - idea scaffold for ea essay (stupid school decided to issue out this notif that rendered my current essay obsolete..yeah thanks for that eng dept) - 1/2 mx2 exercise - 7/8 done with...
  19. rumbleroar

    Any 2014'ers here? :D

    bump, would be great to see any 2014'ers out and about!
  20. rumbleroar

    HSC Journal #13097

    over the past three days: - 3 mx2 past papers - 2 mx1 past papers - va artist notes (still need to refine tbh) - mod a essay intro + body 1 - 1 math exercise - 4/5 of ft assessment done - 1/4 of ee1 creative (WAS SUPPOSED TO FINISH A DRAFT THIS WEEK OMG) fuck im so screwed bc im actually behind...