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    hey guys im planning to do a commerce degree can anyone confirm what level of maths u need for this?like is the maths hard? i currently do standard maths
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    guys can u do my survey for cafs thanks
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    eng adv

    also im ranked very bottom for yr 11
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    eng adv

    oh ok anything else i should know
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    eng adv

    oh but i dont think that will scale a lot like that lol the cohort is good but not that good, do u go to a top ranked school?
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    eng adv

    are these accurate
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    eng adv

    hi guys my teacher reccomended me to move down from eng adv to standard bc their cutting off student by this friday and im currentky averaging a rough 50% overall throughout all my prelimary year, i said no due to the risk of being scaled down... was this a wise choice??? anything helps guys
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    tudor for buisnesss studies

    hi guys im currently in yr 11 and wanted to ask if its benefcial to have a tudor in yr 12 i dont see many centres to open and if private does anyone know how much they charge??? ty
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    Gateway UNSW

    guys does everyone get conditional offers or some
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    unsw gateway and early entry

    do you think i can get in commerce
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    early entry

    may i ask what offers did u get??? also im a big fan of u btw do u think i can get a offer 4 commerce
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    early entry

    was urs unconditional or conditional
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    unsw gateway and early entry

    hi guys so i messed up rreal bad in one of my buisness assignments and this year i/ve been a grade c student in all of my subjects do you guys tsill think i can get early entry to unsw via the gateway program or macquarie??? anything helps guys
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    hey guys i was wondering does lower ranked selective schools let you in with average grades?

    hi i applied for entrace to selective school after year 7 and i applied to low selective school and i was wondering with average marks can i get in???
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    unsw gateway/mysydney

    TBH im not sure but i know you dont need to get crazy good grades but maybe 70 or over is a good estimate??? like maybe b range but if you want a competitive course i think its different but for commerce i think as long if you just show you care about your grades in ur statement and get alright...
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    unsw gateway/mysydney

    gateway works on a personal statement by you and they look at your year 11 marks:)) a lot of people apply to it so yes it is competitive but i think you would get in, i dont think they look at your full report but maybe nesa and for usyd they code your address which is geocoding and find out if...
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    best recs for English advanced tudoring places???

    hi I’m looking for best/good tudoring places for English adv around Liverpool/Fairfield/Cabramatta area much help is appreciated!!!
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    chat im i screwed

    my ranking for maths standard is so bad 117/162... can i recover from this??? yr 11 btw and i go to 200 plus rank school (public)