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  1. L

    Board of Studies phone call prohibited item

    The only explanation is that you cheated by bringing notes in and you accidentally left a note in your exam paper.
  2. L

    General Thoughts: Multiple Choice

    Does any1 have the multiple choice paper? What was Q8?
  3. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    Err, no. The CPU usage was very high and the fact that the RAM is so low, shows that the computer must be suffering from a slow system. How the hell could it be A...
  4. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    hahaa well its not messy, its just big apparently ( avg in my eyes). Yeah possibily spacing could matter but i doubt it. Ceebs caring anymore lol GL with ur chem exam and imma peace out :D.
  5. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    5 is pretty hard for me actually...i think it stemms from having cursive plus slanted writing so it takes more space. Markers love it for sure
  6. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    Wtf 11 words? I do like 5, i couldnt write that small if i tried
  7. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    Lol no way is 600 words 1.5 pages. 600 would be around 4 pages in just straight essay format so if its a report it would probz take like 5.
  8. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    Oh i meant for just the 2 extended responses. I did like 10 altogether properly answering the question. I think it use to say that you had to have a minimum of 600 words in each section on the paper itself?
  9. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    btw how many pages did u write for each section?
  10. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    yeah cheers, wasn't that bad though the timing, i was just planning on leaving waaay earlier. Yeah hope fully band 6 material though and for yourself.
  11. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    haha im such an idiot, for some reason i automatically read it as virtual memory. To be very modest i recon ill get low 80s raw, but i might be able to hit mid 80s if im lucky. TBH i found the paper way easy although it was time consuming, but i never did any past papers so guess i cant say if...
  12. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    True i was surprised how long it took. I recon the cut off should be round 85 mark. And safraaz, did u check that question i asked about? Number 3 i think it was, was it asking virtual memory or cache?
  13. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    yeah isnt it low performance because of CPU usage?
  14. L

    Accessing to Atar and Results overseas

    Nah you can't, you were right
  15. L

    Ready for Information Technology?

    oh fcuk, was it cache or virtual memory? I think i automatically read it as virtual memory and gave the wrong answer. 14/15