Nah you can put degrees in decimals but the question specified 0=<x=<2pi so needed it in radians. Will i just lose 1 mark if i left it in pi/2-atan(4/3)? I always forget the decimal places.
Technically, it's 'your intepretation' and to what extent does your intepretation agree with the statement. So i think you're quite correct, you just need to be able to back it up. that's all
Eauate imaginary and reals then make t the subject in the x equation. sub it into y equ. x=1+3t, y=2-4t. Draw a perpendicular bisector to the line from O.
Just looking back on the paper. It's possible to actually go against their interpretation and say it's not totally about loyalty. It might show a solid understanding and more unique interpretation of the play.