Kill Bill Vol1 , Snacks and Drink etc according to email
Also a themed night "Heroes and Villains" so some peeps can come in costumes, but too short notice so I can't really be bothered doing that :P
Pool @ roundhouse, 1 hour lecture, Pool @ roundhouse, Pool @ Chinatown
Dat Variety.
Lecture was pretty much how I expected it to be, met a few people I already knew so didn't really talk to anyone new
Question, Are you automatically placed within the society of whatever degree you're doing or do you have to go and join? i.e am I already in ENGSOC and ELSOC for doing electrical engineering or do I have to sign up somewhere?
Only joined mathsoc and filmsoc so far
keen for FILMSOC new member party - screening Kill Bill Volume 1 haha
Sound horrids, and the person sounds the exact same as the one who was trying to convert me. He started going on about how adenine is ~supposedly~ more complex than any human machine...
Some rand asian guy tried to convert me to christianity for 10 minutes after I told him I was atheist because apparently Jesus doesn't want me to go to hell
Doing photography in yr 11 was the best decision I made during my HSC. Best subject.
Also HSC specific resources aren't really necessary just google everything regularly and you'll be fine