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  1. physicslover

    Stereotypical Asian Parents

    Chicks who swear extensively and spend an enormous amount of time on forums dedicated to increasing the success rate of Asians getting into UNSW/Sydney Uni are not a turn on
  2. physicslover

    Stereotypical Asian Parents

    *Laughing* My mother responds "...Mine hasn't even done their/his UAI." I swear, my mum has extensive connections. Every Asian kid she knows is better than me in some aspect, if they're not, they're not worth knowing.
  3. physicslover

    what do you love/hate about promininet australian politicians?

    How Turnbull humours Rudd by pretending that Kevin is a competent opponent.
  4. physicslover

    Stereotypical Asian Parents

    0.9% of female teens are anorexic. enthusiastically listing her dinner menu isnt a good start for coming across as a normal girl. friends is a good substitute for mates. a tryhard asian chick who wants to come across as australian would say mate instead of friends. most teen girls say...
  5. physicslover

    what do you love/hate about promininet australian politicians?

    I'm gonna love the look on every single person's face who voted Labour when at some point during the next few years when the shit hits the fan, our glorious leader Kevin says "Sorry I fucked your country, I'll take my super now. Working families, economic conservative, political shit storm."
  6. physicslover

    Stereotypical Asian Parents

    wtf you're not a chick i dont know any girl who says that they go out with mates judging by your diet i suppose that when you said you go out with your mates you probably go to powerlifting competitions. every food you listed is packed full of either protein, carbs or both. going back to...
  7. physicslover

    Do you support the Government's upgrade of Australia's broadband infrastructure

    It doesn't matter whether or not we support it, the question is do we really need to go a further $43 BILLION INTO DEBT? If people don't like it Rudd will just throw money at them to get his votes back.
  8. physicslover

    What's your favourite sport?

    Rugby Union hands down is my favourite and also happens to be the best sport.
  9. physicslover

    Exercise plan

    weird thread. everyone is acting like exercise is something they have to squeeze in or have to set aside time for. you should structure everything else you do around exercise because its the most important thing to do. dont let it detract from other parts of your life but dont neglect it.