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  1. samthebear

    what size bed?

    i used to sleep on a king bed but now i'm sleeping on a double (big adjustment there) i wouldnt want to go smaller than a double (not even king single will cut it) i like my space.
  2. samthebear

    pfsh. thats gay as.

    pfsh. thats gay as.
  3. samthebear

    Bio helpppppppppppppppp

    In short: blood > liver > blood (less urea) > liver > (more urea) blood > muscles > blood (more glucose) > Muscles > (less glucose) blood > kidney > blood (more urea) > kidney > (less urea) blood > small intestines > blood (less glucose) > Small intestines > (more glucose) blood > lungs >...
  4. samthebear

    exactly how much repp must i give out before i can repp you again? srsly - the last time i...

    exactly how much repp must i give out before i can repp you again? srsly - the last time i repped u was months ago. i've been repping other ppl but it still tells me to go repp other ppl =.=
  5. samthebear

    Parents, domestic abuse, want to leave home - need help!

    lol omie, you've got to be the funniest, nicest guy on here without being offensive. sorry off-topic. @OP: i dont really know what advice i can give you cept maybe repeat what some people have already said about looking for help in councelling services and stuff - its important to talk to...
  6. samthebear

    would you record yourself having sex then get off to it later?

    +1 why on earth would you want to watch yourself have sex? i'd quote every point already mentioned but it'd be pointless. i agree with everything said about making a crappy sex video. and the whole scripting thing which'll turn into amature porn.
  7. samthebear

    Students Against Scaling - Post Here!

    +repp for you :rofl: silly children. its not what you do but how well you do it.
  8. samthebear

    Simulator baby. Who's had it so far?

    it was in the MX lol - it was in one of those little box things with small snippets of info XD
  9. samthebear

    What to do to get chosen for Prefect + without over doing it?

    lol the canteen ladies get a vote? haha thats so awesome :haha: i'm like on first name basis with all the canteen ladies XDD imma +repp you lol
  10. samthebear

    What to do to get chosen for Prefect + without over doing it?

    is it worth it? thats a question you have to ask yourself. are you willing to go above and beyond what you're required to do for the school? many of my friends are prefects and i know perfectly well what kind of schedule you'll get if you're a prefect. most days you dont get some kind of meeting...
  11. samthebear

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    i'm pretty sure that only NSW and ACT are adopting the ATAR this year. everyone else is doing it in 2010 and QLD will not have the ATAR system for awhile yet as it requires some sort of legislation change.
  12. samthebear

    School leaving age raised from 15 to 17: thoughts?

    meh. i'm already in year 12 - wont affect me but i do feel sorry for everyone else who has to put up with loud mouthed crass drop-outs for a few more years.
  13. samthebear

    What to do to get chosen for Prefect + without over doing it?

    meh different people different situations different tactics. the asking for votes imo worked cuz i actually voted for ppl who asked me. but idk - if you have good ppl skills just ask. if people like you and you ask, they'll vote. if you're some socially retarded douche asking will just make them...
  14. samthebear

    Simulator baby. Who's had it so far?

    lol someone died because of these simulator babies. the stress literally killed her haha god the school probs has a lawsuit on their hands now. not so hot on that idea now would they!
  15. samthebear

    What to do to get chosen for Prefect + without over doing it?

    oh god you write like that on msn? god bless the souls of those who talk to you regularly on msn. Dont ask them. tell them. "Hey guys i want to be [insert role] prefect, vote for me!" < say that in a flippant tone - not serious, not whiney, not desperate but in a 'hey we're good friends, i'm...
  16. samthebear

    What to do to get chosen for Prefect + without over doing it?

    well maybe for one if you didnt writeeee liikeee thisss thennnn maayyybbeeee moorreeeee peopllleeee wiiillll voootteeeee forrr yoouuuu becauseee yoooouuuuu sooouuunnnndddd likkkeeee annn idiot. The coy act doesnt work online douche. If you've got friends ask them to vote for u. when my friends...
  17. samthebear

    Students Against Scaling - Post Here!

    There is a reason why scaling and moderation has been used - its to make things more leveled. While i dont 100% agree with everything that they do to our raw marks its an understandable process which has to be done. <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View>...
  18. samthebear

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    That was what i was wondering about too... i mean i understand that you'll only be ranked aganist your state and the rank (ATAR) would be the same in every other state. but how can that be equally fair if some states have an 'easier' cirriculum (i put 'easier' in quote marks because the content...
  19. samthebear

    how to bring it up

    i thought they always just develop 'organically' as someone mentioned. if it doesnt happen naturally it just wasnt meant to be - or the guy was just using you. either way its best to just let it develop naturally.
  20. samthebear

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    Re: NSW to dump UAI! i'm going to hold on to the hope that more people would go to another university in another state then. as long as the ranking needed to enter doesnt get ridiculously high.