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  1. K

    Raw marks

    Some schools do 3/3 which is basically doing 3 subjects in Year 11 for the HSC. or Accelerated.
  2. K

    Raw marks

  3. K

    SMH article

    Speeed back to the rescue, stalking each and every post of the TAFE executive.
  4. K

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    . _ ., What a school!
  5. K

    2U 2015 Discussion Thread

    I spent 30 minutes on it until I remembered that paper. I am extremely glad that I went through Q16/10's.
  6. K

    Exam Paper

    Nope. Did you mean to go to the EXT 2 thread? :)
  7. K

    SMH article

    Much longer too :)
  8. K

    Raw marks

    I don't think so.
  9. K

    SMH article

    I thought the journalists were going to do Ext 2 questions.
  10. K

    First day on a software engineering job -- what to expect?

    Wait. So are you going to university or are you going full-time work?
  11. K

    2015 HSC Mathematics Solutions

    For 14 (a) ii), Since it is distance fallen, shouldn't it be 110 - 41.55?
  12. K

    2 Exams in one day, what do I do?

    It will depend on your condition after Physics. I would definitely do some light study.
  13. K

    Marks (raw)

    Holy shit. Is this the first time you didn't post a TAFE link? In all seriousness, :D
  14. K

    2U 2015 Discussion Thread

    I'll bet one rep. (Assuming this is allowed.)
  15. K

    Raw marks

    So you guys are talking about % raw right? I may scrape a b6 :D
  16. K

    First day on a software engineering job -- what to expect?

    To be brutally honest, you can always start out this way but if you are looking for a job like during Uni, I don't think they will hire someone with elementary c/c++/python knowledge. Try building your portfolio straight after HSC if you are wanting to land a job in the field for work experience.
  17. K

    2U 2015 Discussion Thread

    Do they give half-marks in the HSC?
  18. K

    2U 2015 Discussion Thread

    It was alright. It was almost like they spoonfed answers because so many were proof that ... is xxx. That's what I got.
  19. K

    First day on a software engineering job -- what to expect?

    I would build the portfolio according to the type of sector/company you are looking for. If you are interested in front-end dev/design, certainly build your portfolio that way.
  20. K

    First day on a software engineering job -- what to expect?

    There is always Android :) When you aren't qualified on paper, a portfolio is extremely important.