yes i can i have searched all the possible ones there are heaps:
hi guys and girls
can someone please tell the difference between B. Business and B.Business/Commerce at UWS besides uai, i know the commerce one has more majors are there any more differences
i have noticed that some members tend to forget their passwords and therefore have to create new accounts...maybe BoS could have something like a secret question or something like hotmail if members forget their passwords
I thought this might help someone out it is from the good people at sydney uni!
What is scaling?
Scaling provides universities with the ability to compare and rank students for selection into university, even if they have taken different HSC subjects.
It might help to think of scaling...
i chose server one i got my results at around 8ish so it wasnt that busy, i thought if i couldnt get in i would wait until 9 and use server two because natural instinct people go to server one, that way i would have got my uai faster :uhhuh:
yeah my parents were there when i accessed my mum was very happy and my dad is a bit depressed because he keeps reflecting back on the trials when i bombed out in my business studies grandfather wants me to repeat my grandmother is happy, so yeah mixed feelings in this area