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  1. S

    what is so bad about UWS?

    Nothing is wrong with it man, its just the same as getting into macquarie university under the mature age jubilee scheme..ROFL, dont need a ATAR to get into macquarie if you qualify for it and I found out just today..though it is only limited..unbelievable hey
  2. S

    (EAS) Educational Access Scheme and Bonus ATAR/UAI Points awarded...

    Yeah, they contribute together mutually to get 10 or maybe 15 bonus points..I'm not sure about the 15..I THINK thats only for the more seriously disadvantaged students
  3. S

    (EAS) Educational Access Scheme and Bonus ATAR/UAI Points awarded...

    Yeah, USYD adobts the allocation method for EAS.. the same with UTS but UTS uses 10 "bonus points" or points below the published ATAR cut-off
  4. S

    (EAS) Educational Access Scheme and Bonus ATAR/UAI Points awarded...

    5 only? What? Ohh..because your distinguishing or seperating it from any subject bonus scheme or HSC plus points..hmm that sounds right, but I'm thinking theres more to this Ed. Access scheme
  5. S

    (EAS) Educational Access Scheme and Bonus ATAR/UAI Points awarded...

    Oh and yeah obviously it depends on the institution as well
  6. S

    (EAS) Educational Access Scheme and Bonus ATAR/UAI Points awarded...

    Would anyone out there by chance know the range of the most bonus points someone could get if they applied for university through the scheme (EAS)? I have done a few research and I am thinking its from 1-10
  7. S

    Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    Anyone opposing my thoughts/ suggestion on this? It would be cool to know them. But either then that, I know that graduates at TAFE get a high percentage of employment after they finish..but hey - doesn't it take a while? I mean everyone has to get through the interview matter what...
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    Work/TAFE: Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    In context with everything that is said on there, everything should make sense with my concluding parts of this thread :headbang:
  9. S

    Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    Yeah..but after reading about what you guys have been saying and what I have been saying myself, I sound correct and sure that I dont need to do a tech course this year. The main thing employers look at are if your of good character and that you have some sort (or any) of WORK experience..and...
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    Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    I dont think I am going to enrol this year..I mean there might be still Vacancies (V) leftover...but still..:bomb:
  11. S

    Work/TAFE: Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    I dont think I'm going to give off an expenditure or debit to tech this time :haha:
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    Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    There goes the last days for enrolments for semester come semester 1..
  13. S

    Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    That was the 2 most useful post since Wednesday! thanks you two's! Lol..though my idea on contacting a careers advisor or something would be good too..or maybe a teacher for a course that i'm interested in..
  14. S

    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    Hey wixxy2348, thanks heaps for your advice and help, I just needed confirmation as to whether I was correct or not. So are you really a woolies person? You also go to USYD? Good on you man. Because if you are, that just tells me that there really is no point in enrolling for certificate 2 in...
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    Winter Break Chatter Thread (2009)

    Hey wixxy, I heard from a thread posted by you that you work for Woolworthes hey? Could you do me a small favour and read my situation at the moment? I'll provide a link to the main forum threads on where my thread is, Its titled "Tafe semester 2...", you just need to read the first and the...
  16. S

    Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    You asked me that in the other
  17. S

    Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    Maybe I should have asked these sorts of stuff to a careers advisor at TAFE or something, haha..theres hardly any people here too
  18. S

    Work/TAFE: Tafe semester 2 enrolments close today...

    Tommorows the last day to enrol until there are vacancies left over :eek::haha: