Search results

  1. L

    who is good in math/science but SHIT AT ENGLISH?

    English carried my ATAR, my only band 6
  2. L

    Join Young Lib or Lab?

    there are quite a few socialist groups
  3. L

    Join Young Lib or Lab?

    Doesn't economic progressiveness contradict social conservation
  4. L

    How many hrs of study?

    So if you do 20 hours a week in classes, that's 100 hours a week all up
  5. L

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    He would be one of a kind and a frightening opponent against the new wave of libertines (I do not know the pronoun for liberal, liberalists?)
  6. L

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    I think restraint, rationality and a clear head is more important than passion.
  7. L

    O-Week Extreme

    Anyone in the freemasons club? I'm thinking of joining tomorrow
  8. L

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    thank you Socrates, there are very few knowledgeable radical politicians
  9. L

    What jobs for com/law or Eco/law ?

    I see, is com/law and eco/law the most superior in the fields that OP is interested in? Compared to other combined eco and com degrees. Assuming that other factors are not considered.
  10. L

    What jobs for com/law or Eco/law ?

    sorry, I am desensitized from economic jargon at the moment, does that mean for every additional mark that you obtain, the less value per extra mark you are to the company?
  11. L

    What jobs for com/law or Eco/law ?

    I heard people only do the law component to gain leverage over those who don't in jobs that have nothing to do with law itself
  12. L

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    foul tactics, to interpret what I say in the way which allows you to unscrupulously to distort it most
  13. L

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    that may be, but the following posts claiming Islam to be an "arrogant fucking dog" is considered hate speech and is illegal.
  14. L

    O-Week Extreme

    yes i agree, im watching the oscars on monday so I'm not going
  15. L

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    I am disappointed that the mods have not taken this thread down as there has been an obvious incitement of hatred. More frivolous threads have been taken down in a blink of the eye.
  16. L

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    and what are you gonna do? Sign a petition to restrain cultural growth or install Pauline Hanson again? lol what a joke
  17. L

    PLS tell me first year COMMERCE STUDY HOURS to get min DISTINCTION AVERAGE

    holy crap, it sounds very easy compared to other subjects, why don't they offer more courses per semester to compensate for low difficulty?
  18. L

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    I would rather Muslims take over the world than materialistic, vapid and soulless money-obsessed cretins
  19. L

    Important: Critical speech! Must read!

    what, doesn't that erode western culture even further?
  20. L

    What are you currently Reading?
