Search results

  1. anti

    BOS Browser Share

    I'm not surprised IE has such a large chunk - consider how many schools, libraries, universities etc have converted to firefox :p
  2. anti


    Regarding reputation in your application .. if I'm interested in how much rep you have, and I do a search, and it's mostly for junk reasons, note that your applicaiton may lose some esteem :p
  3. anti


    Yeah, the admins *could* let the mods set benefactors. I'm happy to do any applications now when I'm very grumpy; however, you can probably guess the outcome.
  4. anti

    How does one increase rep

    Note that you can't be repped in some forums.
  5. anti

    Favourite Applications

    Gmail notifier Firefox - because you can never go wrong with tabbed browsing :) messenger plus - I guess I could live without it, but it's pretty nifty (just don't install spyware) pdf995 - I used to use this a lot to convert to pdf. OpenOffice also does a good job realVNC or tightvnc - for...
  6. anti

    Regarding a Fatal Error when posting new threads

    Hi there, A few users have been receiving the following error (or similar) when posting new threads. I believe this problem has been resolved now thanks to our friendly lovable happy cup ambassador tactic :D
  7. anti


    It depends on if I have the time to do a thorough search of your character - if I'm in a hurry or if I'm tired I'll probably give it a few days to think over.. Minai has been away and James has been quite busy so a few apps may take a little longer than we expect.
  8. anti

    buying a new pc

    Is it worth buying a branded computer - yes for warranty, no for cost. Is it worth buying an unbranded computer - yes for price, no for warranty. Your choice. :) Are you planning on - adding parts to the computer yourself? Doing anything to the hardware? What are you going to be using the...
  9. anti

    Guide to passing discrete maths 1081

    Study with friends. They tend to get things you don't and vice versa :) Also set aside time each day you study to just do discrete past papers. ONLY do the questions for topics you've covered. Any ones you don't understand try to contact the lecturer (or post them up here) where people can...
  10. anti


    I'm sure they look obvious enough in certain forums not to require a bosman and bolded name ;)
  11. anti


    Anybody who is selected (or not selected) to be a Benefactor and wants reasons can always PM myself or Minai. I have no problem in explaining my reasons for accepting or denying their application, just that I don't have the time to reply personally to every application I receive. Benefactors...
  12. anti


    I look for consistency and quality in the replies to questions in their relevant subject areas. I also look at the way they interact with other users - it lowers the quality of the post if a genuinely useful reply is accompanied by sarcastic or demeaning comments. I don't look for a certain...
  13. anti

    Usernames in Bold??

    Actually, benefactors do have a degree of power - since a benefactor should ideally have Knowledge, and Knowledge = Power :) Also, benefactors have a more direct-access route to the admins, allowing new forum ideas to be filtered through more quickly.
  14. anti

    Usernames in Bold??

    Stay on topic please < / gestapo >
  15. anti

    Post Your PC Specs

    stock as a rock toshiba portege r100 :p
  16. anti

    help with wireless stuff...

    For a laptop you'll probably use a PCMCIA wireless card and for your PC you'll use a PCI network card.. which will have an antenna of some sort attached. The router will probably not come with wireless cards. It's advisable to get the same brand for everything IMO because it will all use the...
  17. anti


    Firstly, you need a minimum rep to give rep, I believe (not sure on this though) so you can't create a million accounts to give you reputation. Also, this thread is starting to go way off topic, so please keep the spam down or I'll close it. edit: on second thoughts, it IS off topic. Closed.
  18. anti

    Dell has the best support network?

    Well, Dell does provide a three year warranty isn't it? (not sure) You get what you pay for I guess. I had the choice of 12 months or 9 months or something like that .. where you (obviously) pay more for the longer warranty. As for the market leader .. I'd say Dell is pretty good since...
  19. anti

    Japanese Learners UNITE!!

    Actually, the faq does give instructions and requirements for Custom Status, but I've reworded it for clarity.
  20. anti


    The FAQ is located here.