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  1. llamalope

    girls how would you react to this

    omg its sportsgal!!!!! I'm moving on saturday (holy shit thats in like 2 days...) and I'm starting 2 freak out.... anyways, I think that guys making gestures out the window is kinda sad and desperate. Actually this guy pulled up beside me and my bestie one day when we were walking in north...
  2. llamalope

    memoirs of a geisha

    Definately should have been in japanese. Would have had more credibility.... Otherwise the film was ok. not brilliant, but I guess it'll do. A ncie way to spend 2 hours on an otherwise boring afternoon. Although Gong Li was brilliant, they could have made more of the whole hatsumomo/Chiyo...
  3. llamalope

    girls how would you react to this

    showusyourbrain! sorry, couldn't resist
  4. llamalope

    Your Top 5 For the Week

    Wonderwall - Oasis Dare You To Move - Switchfoot Beep - Pussycat Dolls Far Away - Nickelback Eve, The Apple of My Eye - Bell XI
  5. llamalope

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    ECON1001 - Introductory Microeconomics Ease - 7/10 (depends on lecturer) Lecturer - 8/10 (Dennis is great, but he's gone... De Roos is a douche bag. Tutors are shit)) Interest - 5/10 (fairly boring, only lifted by lecturer) Overall - 6.5/10 ECON1002 - Introductory Macroeconomics Ease -...
  6. llamalope

    Passing P's Test first time

    I failed 1st go.... again, almost perfect score but an instant fail... if you are reverse parking, and think you are in the wrong position, and want to go out and start again, you have to indicate that you are leaving the parking spot, even if you were only half in in the 1st place. I'm...
  7. llamalope

    how can u get toned?

    I love it how some people on this thread think they are a top-shit nutritionist, and know everything there is to know about everybody's individual bodies, and about the complex physiology of weight loss vs. Muscle toning. I have 2 pieces of advice 1) eat healthily 2) excercise
  8. llamalope

    the OC

    the next episode airs on the 12th January 2006
  9. llamalope

    DAILY TELEGRAPH - Top 200 schools

    yeah, 1 above McDonald college (I think we got worse this year....) at 144th Oh and blue roses, I went to SGHS for a while, but would have graduated in the year above you
  10. llamalope

    condoms or bareback???

    nothing is 100% effective. (except abstinence, but thats not the point)
  11. llamalope

    condoms or bareback???

    people can still get pregnant on depro.... rare, but it can still happen
  12. llamalope


    agreed. I would add something more intelligent, but dreamerish stole the words from outta my mouth
  13. llamalope

    Implanon and Depo-Provera

    or more concisely.... Potential side effects and disadvantages: abdominal pain abnormal or irregular menstrual bleeding acne breast tenderness or pain bruising at site of implant changes in sex drive depression difficult and painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) hair loss...
  14. llamalope

    Implanon and Depo-Provera

    Factsheet Implanon Date 12 February 2003 WHAT IS IT Implanon is a small plastic rod containing the hormone progestogen which is inserted just underneath the skin of the upper inner arm and provides protection against pregnancy for the three years it is left in place. HOW DOES IT WORK...
  15. llamalope

    The highest uai obtained by a blonde person

    having this thread is as pointless as asking if there are dumb asians. Everybody's different. It's called natural variation in a population
  16. llamalope

    The highest uai obtained by a blonde person

    I'm blonde, I'm 2004 dux, and i got 96.55. Big Whoop.
  17. llamalope

    Fellas lets ask the questions to the ladies we always wanted...

    I'm grateful if they offer. I'll always offer to split the bill, but if they're insistent about paying then I'm happy. I wouldn't be happy if the guy EXPECTED me to pay. UNless i was earning a shitload more than him
  18. llamalope

    the OC

    its going to be a LOOONG summer in that case
  19. llamalope

    New version of SAM now available

    ok SAM may not be entirely accurate, because i did my hsc in 2004, and i put in my marks just to see what the estimate was and the 2004 UAI was lower than what i actually got... But based on my experience last year, don't stress about what sam says too much. It doesn't know anything about...
  20. llamalope

    Fellas lets ask the questions to the ladies we always wanted...

    shut up germaine. giving a guy a blow job has nothing to do with subordination in real life. grow up