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  1. M

    Uai Of 65

    hey dude, i need a uai of 60 and i'm stressing out..i hate that uai calculator- its evil i put in the following marks and it spat out a 57- i hate it english adv. 78 math 67 geo 79 legal 79 business 76 these r my internals english 1/14 geo 1/2 legal 2/7 business 1/17 math 4/16 like...
  2. M

    Uai Of 65

    hey dude, i need a uai of 60 and i'm stressing out..i hate that uai calculator- its evil i put in the following marks and it spat out a 57- i hate it english adv. 78 math 67 geo 79 legal 79 business 76 these r my internals english 1/14 geo 1/2 legal 2/7 business 1/17 math 4/16 like...
  3. M

    Where for are thou Humar Rights??

    Um...was it just me or where there no short answer questions on Human Rights.....Um..please explain... I saw questions in the Multiple Choice but was shocked when no short answer came up... i guess thats a plus Overall i believe i've done well What did u find weird/strange/good about the...
  4. M

    Optional Focus Study

    Its intersting when choosing focus studies...i find that teachers generally go for the ones you don't want to do... i mean at my school we did FAMILY and WORKPLACE i loathed family but i guess it was a nice question...too b honest both family and workplave questions were almost the samme
  5. M

    General Thoughts - Geography

    um help people.....i answered question 20 with reference to blacktown- a) is it a suburb b)i talked about technological change does it count for question 19 i talked about the GBR as it only asked for one right and for question 21 i talked about the viticulutre and wine industry- is it...
  6. M

    anyone got 2 exams in a day?

    Wow i no how u feel- i have aos on friday, modules on monday, business on tuesday, wed and thur off math and geo on friday then 3 weeks off to study for legal studies :( sadness to the maximus:confused: