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    My timetable Do they post their lectures online? Because I want to move my lab to Tuesday arvo and skip that 5pm lecture on Thursday. Would I suffer if I skipped that lecture but watched it online (I have no physics background at all)? And any comments on the overall course would be helpful...
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    Does anyone know if you must turn up to the tutorials that are scheduled when there's no wet labs (do they take attendance)?
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    Thoughts on back to back labs? (3hr PHSL2101 and 2hr PHYS1111) And does anyone know if PHSL2101 labs finish early like first year BABS or BIOS labs? Thanks
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    It's quite dull and boring, but the assessments throughout the semester are fairly easy (from what I can remember).
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    TEXTBOOKS. Do we need them? HELP!

    What is it and would it ever come in handy?
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    TEXTBOOKS. Do we need them? HELP!

    Isn't 'SI Chemical Data 6E + WileyPlus Ebook Card' prescribed as well for CHEM1011?
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    Advice on buying course packs

    Is it necessary? Isn't it just notes?
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    Advice on buying course packs

    What is the course pack for CHEM1011? Is it the course note 'CHEM1011 / CHEM1031 / CHEM1051 - ESSENTIALS OF CHEMISTRY A /' on the UNSW Bookshop site or?
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    thoughts/feelings for tomorrow??

    Scared. I'm scared of the transition and that I won't cope with the workload, etc. :z
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    Should I get my textbooks tomorrow or should I wait for them to tell me in my lectures?
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    Uni ID and Concession Card.

    Take note of the lighting in the room. I turned out black :(
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    Difficulty between CHEM1011 and CHEM 1031?

    Even if you did HSC Chem, what mark would you approx. need to cope with 1031? I called the science faculty and they're like as long as you pass HSC chem then you should be fine in 1031 but I struggled with chem quite a bit. :s
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    Bioscience to Red Centre Theatre Walk

    So this would be a problem? Sigh I can't really change my classes because most of them are already full
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    Bioscience to Red Centre Theatre Walk

    Ok I changed my subjects and now I have a 7 hour day with no breaks orz trying to change timetable again. What would the walk be like from Central Lecture to Chemical Sciences back to Central Lecture (lecture to lab to lecture)? And would the walk from bioscience (lab) to law (tutorial) be a...
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    Bioscience to Red Centre Theatre Walk

    Oh wait, they're both laboratories. Would that still be a problem and what do you generally do in lab classes?
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    Bioscience to Red Centre Theatre Walk

    How long would the walk approx take? I'll try changing my timetable again and see if I can get anything better.
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    Bioscience to Red Centre Theatre Walk

    Would this walk be a pain and a problem since I have a back to back tutorial? It looks like it would be.
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    Course Selection for Science/Education (sec)

    Could I possibly mix it up between semester 1 and semester 2? Because for me to major in Biology, I need to complete stage 1 courses in year 1, correct? And some of the subjects are only available in semester 1.
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    "Error:Student not enrolled, class is full or student doesn't meet criteria ..."

    Oh I managed to enrol in the class this morning. Thanks for the help :)
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    Course Selection for Science/Education (sec)

    But the sample program on this link isn't very specific. For Biology Level 1/ Chemistry Level 1/ Mathematics Level 1, do I have to choose subjects under those categories or I can choose whatever I like? Sorry for bothering you...