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  1. P

    VET Hospitality Exam Optional?

    You don't have to sit the exam for hospo, though it depends on how much units you have.. If you have 10 units and choose not to do the exam then you won't receive a ATAR :/ But if you do over 10 units then it should be fine to not sit the exam.. though I don't know why you wouldn't but yeah :) I...
  2. P

    Which ethnicities/ethnicity is a NO for you?

    LOL Basically whats above ^ Theres no love between those 3 countries :)
  3. P

    Attractiveness and interviews?

    Definitely, it's kind of sad but true.. Especially being girls.. A little clevage & skin goes a long way especially if the interviewer is a guy ;)
  4. P

    Which ethnicities/ethnicity is a NO for you?

    Kurds are Kurdish people.. umm, I'm not really 100% on the exact history of it so look it up if you want.. but basically they were arabs that invaided/came into Turkey where its bordered with Iran & Iraq and took a part of it and claimed it as there own land kind of thing & obviously we (being...
  5. P

    Which ethnicities/ethnicity is a NO for you?

    NO Greeks & Kurds..
  6. P

    Which is worse?

    You have a serious problem buddy.. I'm not wasting my time on you, I have better things to do...
  7. P

    Which is worse?

    and What exactly did you want me to prove, obviously you aren't really open minded :/
  8. P

    Which is worse?

    oh whatever I don't need to prove shit to you..
  9. P

    Which is worse?

    Actually it has you don't know that.. I personally know a female that has lied in the relationship and it has ended up in a break up.. i know this because it was my bestfriend so again.. don't generalise..
  10. P

    Which is worse?

    Don't genralise and say ALL men are.. because they aren't all liers fuck wit..
  11. P

    Which is worse?

    Its quite OBVIOUSLY not only Males that lie.. Females lie, probably twice as much but I was refering to the majority of people that say lying is "cool" or whatever are Males..
  12. P

    Which is worse?

    oh fuck off Graney! -_-
  13. P

    Which is worse?

    I don't know if your being sarcastic or not, but obviously it's not JUST lying.. but it usually is a big part of it..
  14. P

    Which is worse?

    wow :/ you guys are trustworthy.. I guess there is that percentage of guys that lie, that is why alot of marriage/relationships etc break up..
  15. P

    Which is worse?

    LOL thats not a good thing or a good habit :S
  16. P

    Which is worse?

    But the truth is better.... I mean at first the truth may be harsh in SOME cases, but come to think of it.. I'd rather be told the truth 100% I lie is just a mask.. once that mask is removed it may not be a pretty face :/
  17. P

    Which is worse?

    BOTH! though being lied to is pretty big, so 'telling lies for sure..
  18. P

    haha :) unfortunately all your getting is my dp, even though you cant see my face :/ might...

    haha :) unfortunately all your getting is my dp, even though you cant see my face :/ might change it later..
  19. P

    Who would you date?

    LMAO! yes we're so keen to get married, totally after one short convo :P
  20. P

    What car will you get as your first car?

    Yeaah kinda aware of that.. But Thank you i guess, i mean maybe because i've grown up like this it isn't a big deal but hey i guess i am hence everyones reaction true? :) It's not that I have an attitude I just got sick of expalining myslef and truely couldn't come to an understanding why it...