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  1. S

    Section II

    26 hours
  2. S

    Section II

    This is correct.
  3. S

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Both are C 100%
  4. S

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    100% AGREE. Put d for both instead of c
  5. S

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Yea, it was a typo. Sorry for the confusion. Those arnt my answers, they are just the right ones. Ironically, i got 20 c but got to other wrong.
  6. S

    Band 6 Cut Off

  7. S

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Sorry, typo, yea, it is defs c
  8. S

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    9 is d because interest rate has to be divided by 4 and period multiplied by 4 20 is d because its the bearing OF c FROM b. if anything, its between b and c
  9. S

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    I think this is 100% correct. Feel free to make changes. 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.C 21.A 22.B 23.D 24.B 25.B
  10. S

    Section II

    yes :P
  11. S

    Section II

    You cant multiply by 1.11 because thats using 11% of 240 which is wrong. You had to divide by 89 and then multiply by 100 giving an answer of 270 (to the nearest seal :P)
  12. S

    Band 6 Cut Off

    its not that they will reduce the cut-off, it will naturally become lower as almost no-one will get 2 marks for that question..therefore, the test almost becomes out of 98.
  13. S

    Section II

    not sure on answer, but u definitely dont minus 11% because 2008 has MORE than 2012
  14. S

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    The initial $119.40 + $402.70 is what she would get if she didnt earn more than $236/fortnight. However, because she earns $300, the total she gets from the gov, is $119.40 + $402.70 - ($64x0.5$) which equals D
  15. S

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    3 was definitely C. There were 6 people. e.g ABCDEF 2 must be picked AB, AC, AD,AE,AF BC,BD,BE,BF CD,CE,CF DE,DF EF In total, 15 They have to be in pairs, so AB is the same as BA. Therefore it cant be 30.
  16. S

    General Thoughts: General Mathematics

    What was last years?
  17. S

    Section II

    you forgot the 26cm from the side of the sector.
  18. S

    Section II

    15 cm is correct
  19. S

    Section II

    26 g) yea 15 full WEEKS. and i dont understand what other questions you are asking.