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  1. Librah

    Wave function and potential wells

    Can any1 explain where they got the values of the energies for the finite well below U_0? E_1-IDW is the energy of the ground state for an infinite well.
  2. Librah

    Linear independance

    Need help with c, and maybe a better explanation for b. Is there a shorter way of doing c then the way i'm thinking, which is to do u_2 dot u_3. Since you already proved the other cases in a, you just need to do the last possible combination, which is that. Part d is pretty simple.
  3. Librah

    Diagonalisable matrix proof

    Need some help understanding why if an nxn matrix M has 'n' distinct eigenvalues, then M is diagonalisable. I believe the proof involved using the fact that the eigenvectors of the columns of 'P' in D=P^-1MP were linearly independent and therefore proving P was invertible, but I'm not sure why...
  4. Librah

    Estimate the length of Harbour Bridge???

    For this question, wouldn't you already have to have an estimate in mind to make another estimate of the Harbour bridge?
  5. Librah

    Skipping a lab.

    Does this mean that if you skip the final weeks lab, you can still possibly get an HD final grade? Since my next prac has like 3 checkpoints, but i've done every other checkpoints in my other labs.
  6. Librah

    ATAR estimate test

    ATAR estimate for a friend pls School rank 450ish MX2: 3/6 MX1:2/6 Chemistry:3/9 Physics:2/9 English Adv:3/16
  7. Librah


    Don't know where to start.
  8. Librah

    Need help with limit proof.

    Having trouble figuring out how to prove this using the epsilon/delta definition, and proofs using epsilon/delta in general. lim x->0 g(x)=0 where g(x)=3x when x is rational and g(x)=7x when x is irrational.