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    Deck on train you go to

    Do you step to the top or bottom deck when you board the train? What does it say about you? Top or bottom
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    2015 indochina predictions

    anyone have any predictions? thanks!
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    TS Eliot 2015 hsc prediction

    Anyone have predictions on which Eliot poems BOS are examining this year?
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    UNSW arts and business vs commerce/arts

    Degree in arts and business or commerce/arts. And can you acquire a job in the business industry in BA/bus? Thanks
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    hi, any one like to share the overall uni life in ANU? and general environment of canberra. thanks!
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    Anu 2016

    Hi all, is anyone planning to study at ANU in 2016? (that aren't from canberra) Thanks :)
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    Leni assessment help please

    Hi guys, for my assessment on Leni, the two questions are: a) Outline the life of Leni Riefenstahl b) 'People are swept along by events. Some individuals use events to advantage' - how accurate is this statement in relation to Leni. How would i approach these questions? especially for b)...
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    Leni assessment help

    Hi guys, for my assessment on Leni, the two questions are: a) Outline the life of Leni Riefenstahl b) 'People are swept along by events. Some individuals use events to advantage' - how accurate is this statement in relation to Leni. How would i approach these questions? especially for b)...
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    Time taken to write an essay

    Approximately how long do people take to write an essay? (adv eng) Just curious
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    careers opportunities in arts

    are there many career opportunities for international studies, or arts, political science, economics degree? thanks
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    uni workload

    hi, fellow hsc student here how much is the workload compared to year 12? ie degrees for - commerce - dual degree - arts - international studies - law - engineering thank you!
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    Related Texts: People and Politics

    post suggestions for people and politics - related texts. Shakespeare "I Henry IV" lost for ideas
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    2015 related texts for module C. Elective :people and politics

    post suggestions for related texts - Representation and text. Elective - people and politics. Studying Shakespeare I Henry IV. cheers