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  1. Q

    Best ways to prepare for UCAT

    Any tips on how to prepare?
  2. Q

    Essay help

    Hello everyone! My essay question is Analyse how Shakespeare presents intense relationships and motivations in Othello. What should i include in the essay like which key points and moments of the play should i add? Any quotes that you guys know of that would he useful?
  3. Q

    Othello Essay

    Hello everyone! My essay question is Analyse how Shakespeare presents intense relationships and motivations in Othello. What should i include in the essay like which key points and moments of the play should i add? Any quotes that you guys know of that would he useful?
  4. Q

    Year 11 subject selections

    So i have intentions to study in the medical field and for that i already chose my subjects these is what i chose. Advanced English Advanced Maths Extension Maths Bio Chem Modern History 1 Unit Studies of Religion Are these subjects good? Im also stressed that if i for some reason dont...