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  1. P


    Differentiate tan-1(x/3)^2. hence find the exact value of 1/pi[integrate]from (root 3) to (0) {tan-1(x/3)}/(x^2 + 9)
  2. P

    inverse trig

    prove ; 2 cos-1 x = cos-1 (2x^2-1)
  3. P

    inverse trig ==

    show that each of the following approximate to the value of pi/4 1. 2 tan-1 (1/3) + tan-1 (1/7) 2. 4 tan-1 (1/5) + tan-1 (1/229) if you show me how to do the first one i might be able to do the second.
  4. P


    What is the probability that in a random arrangement of the letters of the word MEALS a) the consonants will come together? B) the vowels will come at the ends? i know it seems short and easy but that thing fucken pissed me off.
  5. P

    general solution oO

    Find the general solutions of sin^2x - sinx - 1 = 0 at first i thought it would be a quadratic equation but its not =/
  6. P

    does standard english scale you down????

    like if you are do all good subjects but you suck at english and have to resolve to standard does that mean your uai wont be over 90 because of standard english. my hard subjects include ; chem,phy math ext1 and ext 2