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  1. sthcross.dude

    Drug Policy Reform

    True. However, having a state run health care system does not in any way make criminalization justified. Two wrongs don't make a right. If we are to insist upon socialized healthcare, which seems inevitable, we can still run the system much more efficiently. For instance, to remain eligible...
  2. sthcross.dude

    Would you join a political party?

    So who is John Galt?
  3. sthcross.dude


    Democracy is a great idea. The problem is coercive nation states who's jurisdiction can not be ousted or avoided in any meaningful way. If a group of people agree to be bound by a democratic government, great. To the extent that governments exist democracy is likely to be the best way to choose...
  4. sthcross.dude

    Australian economy completely avoids recession

    Re: OKay guys, Australia never 'avoiced' the recession, Rudd was not the hero The central bank encourages debt and discourages savings by keeping the rate of interest artificially low. It keeps it artificially low by creating new money. I am saying get rid of the central bank.
  5. sthcross.dude

    Australian economy completely avoids recession

    Re: OKay guys, Australia never 'avoiced' the recession, Rudd was not the hero I have done my research, you are confusing public debt with debt to GDP ratio. Australia does have comparatively low public debt, but our debt to GDP ratio which includes private debt is a staggeringly high at 165%...
  6. sthcross.dude

    Australian economy completely avoids recession

    Re: OKay guys, Australia never 'avoiced' the recession, Rudd was not the hero Our house prices are even more overly inflated the in the US before the crash in terms of the ratio of prices to average incomes. We have a horrendous debt to gdp ratio and massive negative trade deficit, the...
  7. sthcross.dude

    Would you join a political party?

    I think I can guess who it may be. Tis a little funny.
  8. sthcross.dude

    Australian economy completely avoids recession

    Re: OKay guys, Australia never 'avoiced' the recession, Rudd was not the hero You sound a lot like most mainstream economists in the United States pre-2006 who were claiming that the US economy is in create shape, and who laughed at suggestions that anything resembling the recent crash could...
  9. sthcross.dude

    Australian economy completely avoids recession

    Re: OKay guys, Australia never 'avoiced' the recession, Rudd was not the hero Well it can't get rid of nuclear weapons. They're already invented, thanks to the state. But the free market could probably come close to eliminating world poverty. Of course it can never ensure that on a planet of...
  10. sthcross.dude

    Prisoners and voting...

    Absolute nonsense. Do some research on the subject. Child pornography is overwhelmingly not produced commercially for profit. It is not profitable because it is illegal, so copyright laws obviously cannot be enforced and it will simply be traded and pirated. Almost all of it is produced by...
  11. sthcross.dude

    Australian economy completely avoids recession

    tbh I respect Ron Paul more because he is a christfag. The fact that he believes this religious shit, but still adheres steadfastly to the non-aggression axiom and opposes forcing Christian values on people is impressive.
  12. sthcross.dude

    Prisoners and voting...

    Possession of child porn should be legal, as opposed to production. Of course children did not consent to being filmed in any meaningful way, but there is no benefit to be derived from locking people up from merely viewing it after the fact.
  13. sthcross.dude

    Australian economy completely avoids recession

    "How does borrowing money to fix debt help us exactly?" Just answer that part.
  14. sthcross.dude

    Should abusing people at random be illegal?

    As long as you don't systematically sexually abuse them...beyond belief.
  15. sthcross.dude

    This is total BS

    Why not? Yeah North Korea isn't bad, its just culturally different. We should respect their right to create an oppressive autocracy that inflicts perpetual misery on millions of innocent people.
  16. sthcross.dude

    should all corpses be used as a biofuel?

    hahaha good point. Neb, is there any evidence that this is feasible?
  17. sthcross.dude

    The Israeli occupied territories, legal or illegal?

    That is exactly what I would do. I would get the fuck out of there ASAP and get somewhere safe. I would not fight for what I believe is mine, because I don't want to fucking die.
  18. sthcross.dude

    The Israeli occupied territories, legal or illegal?

    Something becomes legal when a body has sufficient power to enforce its legality. Whether its legal or not is irrelevant. It says nothing as to whether it is right or wrong. The solution is a one state solution, where a democratic, minarchist government allows people from all religious...
  19. sthcross.dude

    Australian Politics

    i lol'd you fucked up the link though, 'strengthened' should be; Turnbull, Costello face off on IR | The Australian
  20. sthcross.dude

    The best things about a recession.

    We shouldn't be encouraging people to spend more. That's what got us in this mess. Too much consumption and debt and not enough savings and production. Trying to re-inflate the bubble with more credit fueled consumption is not the solution. You need to look beyond the neo-classical bullshit...