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  1. N

    UAI Estimate

    THNX my school ranks is 394 so is there any chance of me getting a UAI of 70+ if the get around 85+ in my HSC exam
  2. N

    UAI Estimate

    I don't know the rank of my school where can i find it but evryone that has a higher rank than me is likely to get a band 6 or 5that is in SDD IPT MATHS ext 1 and Physic what is the maxiumum UAI can i achive if i get around 85% for all my exams
  3. N

    UAI Estimate

    i need a Uai of least 70 is it possible if i gun all my external Exams here are my ranks. Mathematics 26/50 Maths Et1 about 11/15 English Adv 100/118 Physics 9/18 SDD 6/7 IPT 6/30 Chemistry 13/20