Search results

  1. thunderdax

    UAI: 99.45 - Tutoring Maths Ext 2 (98), Maths Ext 1 (99), Phys (96), Chem(93)

    Hey everyone, Looking for a tutor in the Kensington-Randwick-Coogee area? I'm a student studying Engineering at UNSW living on Campus who can help with any maths, physics and chemistry problems anyone might have. Also, I was ranked ranked 7th in the state in Maths Extension 2 in 2005 and got a...
  2. thunderdax

    Electrolysis - cleaning copper

    Hey, I just found this written in my notes and I was fairly confused by it. Copper chloride is the main salt found when copper corrodes deep in the ocean. When copper is put as the cathode in an electrolytic cell, the following half equations happen: Oxidation: 2Cl<sup>-</sup>---->Cl<sub>2...
  3. thunderdax

    Q3(a) WTF!!!!

    OK, who else was confused with question 3 a (ii)? Halving the interval gives 0.8, but if you halve the interval again then it becomes obvious that 0.7 is a closer approximation than 0.8... Is this the right way to do it or should I have just said 0.8?
  4. thunderdax


    When HCFCs are oxidised in the troposphere what reactions can show the HCFC turning into hydrogen halides, carbon dioxide and water?
  5. thunderdax

    Trig Integration

    Evaluate ∫(cos<sup>2</sup>x/(1+sin<sup>2</sup>x))dx Answer: -x+sqrt(2)tan<sup>-1</sup>(sqrt(2)tanx)+C I can get the -x bit but i just don't know how the rest of the integral works out. Need help please.
  6. thunderdax

    Study day @ singleton

    Anyone in Newcastle/hunter region thinking of going to this day on 27th May at Singleton High? Im thinking of going but not sure on how useful it will be especially since its all the way out at singleton.
  7. thunderdax

    How do you study for Chemistry?

    Just wondering, what takes up the majority of your time when studying for chemistry.