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    Size of Red and White Blood Cells!

    We never did this prac and i have browsed the notes on here unsuccesfully. Can someone please give me the size of both red and white blood cells.
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    Gene Therapy

    Hey for this dot point, "Process and analyse information from secondary sources to identify a current use of gene therapy to manage a genetic disease, a named form of cancer or AIDS" are we rquired to do just one of these or do we have to do a genetic disease AND one of either Aids or cancer?
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    Creative Writing

    Does anyone else think the creative writing is unbelievable difficult. Whatever I come up with is so cliche'd and runs off a cliff after about a page.
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    Validity and Reliability

    Help! I have a prac test tomorrow and im still confused about what category stuff fits into. Do controls fit into reliability or accuracy or validity? do the independant and dependat variables fit into these categories? and the equipment u use is accuracy isnt it. Thanks
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    Socom 3

    It's not long now til Socom 3 is released. Wondering what peoples thoughts on it are. I reckon it should be a vast improvement with the ability to swim and pilot vehicles becoming available but i don't like the idea of save points. I liked the realism and challenged created wen u don't have em.
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    What Do You Do In Class?

    Hey I was just wondering how much your teacher does with you in class. My teacher plain sucks. He gave us in all seriousness over 50 pages of A4 sheets and then we dont do anything in class. He just waffles about some crap off the sheets which none of us can find because we have that damn many...
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    Can someone please give me an actual definition of eutrophication? Thanks
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    What is Eutrophication

    Cab someone give me a definition of what eutrophication is.I know what is but i can't define it. Thanks in advance
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    Study Guides

    Does anyone know of any excel style study guides for retreat 4 the global?as far as i no excel doesnt have one. I need it urgently because my teacher just waffles on randomly about whatever comes into his mind. So I'm on my own.Can anyone help?
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    How is Co-60 Formed

    Is radioactive cobalt 60 just formed when Fe59 is bombarded with a neutron and beta decays?
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    Evolution of Aus Biota. Prelim

    Hey all i have this assignment and i can't find any information for a question. Can any help by providing some internet sites or texts. The question is: -Develop a time line that identifies key events in the formation of australia as an island continent from its origins as part of gondwana...