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    Answers to General Maths Exam

    But doesnt $1316 sound strange as he is not working yet he is receiving more money in the 4 weeks than if he had been working the 4 weeks
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    Answers to General Maths Exam

    Hey question 3 of multiple choice i think as 280 x 4 =1120 x 0.175 = 196 as its 17.5 % of the pay she wuld receive had she been workin thus its A in my opinion
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    Uai Prediction

    hey why we are on the topic i wouldn't mind if you could predict mine also. My trial results are as follows: General Maths 75% (3/40) PDHPE 91% (1/33) English Advanced 65% (9/20) Biology 65% (2/18) Chemistry 65% (4/11) SOR 2 Unit 80% (5/13)
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    Distance between rankings

    ah ok but how does that cater for the gap which was maintained throughout the school based assessments, isnt there some kind of reward for consistency throughout the year
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    Distance between rankings

    ah ok but how does dat cater for the gap which was maintained throughout the school based assessments isnt there some kind of reward for consitency throughout the year
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    Distance between rankings

    Ok so say i receive 88 for the exam side of the HSC mark and im 2nd by 10% and say 1st gets 91. Does dat mean my assessment mark will not be within 81 as thats 10 marks short of 1st place and hence the gap remains. SO if that was the case 81+88/2 = 85 for HSC mark. Would i be correct assuming...
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    Distance between rankings

    yeah marks that seperate the respective rankings
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    Distance between rankings

    Ah ok so what your saying is depending on the gaps between ranks in the HSC exam, this will determine the distance between the ranks and marks you receive rather than the distance between the ranks sent in by the school. Cause i always thought for the assessment mark the distance is maintained...
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    Distance between rankings

    hey i was just wondering is the distance between ranking a significant factor in whether your internal mark is high or low, say for example 2nd in a subject but 10% away from first does dat mean ur internal mark can not be within 10% of the person ranked first. Any help appreciated
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    Distance between rankings

    hey i was just wondering is the distance between ranking a significant factor in whether your internal mark is high or low, say for example 2nd in a subject but 10% away from first does dat mean ur internal mark can not be within 10% of the person ranked first. Any help appreciated
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    Distance between rankings

    hey i was just wondering is the distance between ranking a significant factor in whether your internal mark is high or low, say for example 2nd in a subject but 10% away from first does dat mean ur internal mark can not be within 10% of the person ranked first. Any help appreciated
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    Hey i was just wondering if there is a textbook that does a particularly good job on the majority of dot points in this option as i have heinemann and it doesn't even cover this option. Also if not a particular textbook a way of approaching this topic which will ensure i have efficiently covered...
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    Heinemann Biology: Activity Manual

    Hey was just wondering if this book covers all the experiments encountered in the HSC course as i am thinking of purchasing it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
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    HSC Booklist

    hey does anyone know where to find names of textbooks recommended for the various subjects. Thanks
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    Quality religion textbooks

    hey all i was just wondering if anyone could suggest a religion textbook which comprehensively covers the new syllabus dotpoints either from past experience or simply by many people recommending it. I would be interested to know what you guys think is a comprehensive textbook for this subject...
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    Good pdhpe textbook

    Oh,sorry, i should of made myself more clear, i live in the sydney area more specifically eastern suburbs though i have searched the libraries near by and many seem to say the books are too specific or just plainly don't have it. I was just interested to know whether anyone knows of actual...
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    Good pdhpe textbook

    hello again thanks for everyone's suggestions i was just wondering where i could borrow the books application and inquiry and jacaranda outcomes two from, like specific libraries as i have checked the local one's on the area and they dont seem to have those textbooks just so i can check them out...
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    Just a Query

    Ok thankyou so does that mean if the highest in both schools was in fact 94 the overall mark you would receive for the subject would be 94 provided both the individuals got 94 for their external mark. Though i spoke to my friend who completed his hsc last year he said his internal mark he got...
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    Just a Query

    hey i was just wondering say if you are ranked number one at your school and the teacher sends in say a internal mark of 70 and another person at another school is first with a internal mark of 90 sent in but come hsc time they both receive the same external mark lets say 94 does that 20 mark...
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    Focus Question: Biology

    o ok fair enough well my teacher said you can use a range of organisms as long as they are either in an estuarine or on a rock platform so i was thnking crabs and how they control their body temperature any suggestions????, And lastly for crabs if you were to test how many were distributed over...