CSU-Bathurst (1 Viewer)


minus the neubeck part
Feb 19, 2004
Lithgow, NSW
I recon CSU Bathurst is the go

Well i had a bit of a tour around the campus a few months ago and the accomodation look alright. but i suppose it depends what your into, but you definately get what you pay for. The catered accomodation if ok, one building is like a bit of a prison with pretty small rooms and everything concrete, the other catered accomodation if situated in a bit of a villiage and therefore a bit more spaced out, so in my oppinion its a bit better. Though i would have to say the self catered residences (they call them cottages) is a whole heap better, modern and lots of space. Though then you have the traditional digins they're a bit old but they'd propably ok.

Well the uni it self has a good reputation and its not too far away from anything. Well that's personally why i chose to apply there. Apart from the fact that i anly live 40 minutes away so i wouldn't need to move away from home.

By the way what course/s did you apply for there?
I applied for B Education(Primary), B Education (Early childhood) & B Social science(pshycology)/B Teaching (primary).


Aug 19, 2004
beautiful blue mts
thanks for the info. i applied for b priamary teching like you, b human movement/secondary teaching and b human movement. they are my first three preferences. hope i get in! good luck to you!


Jun 2, 2003
just a quick word (from experience), the accomodation seems really shit when u look at it but when u actually live there its so much better and u wouldnt want to live anywhere else, trust me.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2002
tabbi_neubeck said:
Well i had a bit of a tour around the campus a few months ago and the accomodation look alright. but i suppose it depends what your into, but you definately get what you pay for. The catered accomodation if ok, one building is like a bit of a prison with pretty small rooms and everything concrete, the other catered accomodation if situated in a bit of a villiage and therefore a bit more spaced out, so in my oppinion its a bit better. Though i would have to say the self catered residences (they call them cottages) is a whole heap better, modern and lots of space. Though then you have the traditional digins they're a bit old but they'd propably ok.

ahem... that gaol like structure is and has been my home for 2 years now and i wouldnt have it any other way!!! Seriously, looks can be decieving. Towers is the UGLIEST most concrete building i have ever seen in my life- but its the most fun!!!

On campus accomodation varies soooo much. Towers (the gaol) is catered and definately the most social place to live. We have great parties and random activities (most involving alcohol) like bruce ball (an outdoor, sunday arvo piss up type thing), returners night parties, sunbaking on the balcony etc etc. Its a real college like atmosphere and a great place to meet heaps of friendly people. Its also the closest housing to the dining hall, bar/ student building, student services and library.

John Oxley Village (huts set around a village green) is also catered and the rooms are bigger but the walls are paper thin.. you can hear EVERYTHING going on next door (shudder!). They too have parties and stuff but theyre not as wild as us towers people.. we definately have more noise complaints, fire alarms etc etc!

Non Catered- B-O-R-I-N-G!!!! Diggings have the biggest rooms but its the quiestest place to live on campus. Its good if youre a picky eater or get sick of the dining hall food (which we all love to hate- its a conversation starter!). There are a lot of 2nd, 3rd and 4th years there because its quieter and out of the way. Its the closest housing to classrooms and the post office. They tend to get raided a lot by hungry towers and JOV people coming home from a big night at the bar!

I guess thats it then. Choosing your accomodation is really about the type of experience you want to have at uni. I love towers because there is always someone around to have a chat with, sink a beer or just be bored with. That said, It is possible to get work done there. Ive managed a Distinction average mainly due to the support network of people around me doing the same subjects and assignments... but now im just blabbing.. good luck with choosing!


Oct 22, 2004
Ok now i dont wanna start inter-residential war here, but i must speak up on behalf of diggings (self catered). i myself live in diggings and think its fucking awesome! Not only do we have the biggest rooms but we also have that degree of privacy that most catered residences dont have.... and we can eat whenever we want and hence not bound by the dining halls unholy eating times.
As for the whole boring thing - that we never go out? I am currently sitting at home with a liver infection because i went out too much. Sux soo much ass because im missing cindy ball, my plan is to make it back for village fair. Us diggings folk are our own breed - those of us who do go out, do so regularly and there was one such occation when we went to a towers party (at wooducks flat), and the towers people left because we were too "full on"...
Diggings also has the best view of the race.... not that i care about that, but for those who do it could be a major deciding factor. Sunday beers with cricket and couches is the sun...Monday beers with cricket and couches in the sun... Tuesday... you get the idea. Whats not to love?
Admittedly, the last few years diggings has had the stigma of 'loners' attached to it, but this year it has changed... as is my understanding cuz im first year... But yeah, i just got accepted into diggings next year and im happy to say that ill be taking that opportunity again and that diggings will be kickin it next year too!
Anyhoo, rather long post for such a pointless debate - but im bored...
Hope to see yall around campus next year. No matter where you stay... there is no discrimination here
Peace out,
Last edited:


Aug 23, 2003
Dully Hill, Sydney
Well said mate, by the way fro - its jez :)

...you missed a blinder on thursday, but village should be just as fun... and bec, dont give them too hard a time, yes there are a severe abundance of "party poopers" in diggings... but, the ppl in GHL are a bunch of rowdy party animals. Isnt that right fro? :)

and to all you newcomers... Bathurst is the place to be... it's so much fun you'll end up with a Liver Infection!!! HOORAY!



Active Member
Aug 3, 2002
jizmiester said:
Well said mate, by the way fro - its jez :)

...you missed a blinder on thursday, but village should be just as fun... and bec, dont give them too hard a time, yes there are a severe abundance of "party poopers" in diggings... but, the ppl in GHL are a bunch of rowdy party animals. Isnt that right fro? :)

and to all you newcomers... Bathurst is the place to be... it's so much fun you'll end up with a Liver Infection!!! HOORAY!

hey guys
sorry i wasnt making any personal attacks in my post!
its good to see that diggings people are finally come out of their shell this yeaar but last year definately diggings was the place where personalities went to die. Hopefully this new breed will liven things up a little(or a lot- even better)!!

Cindy Ball and Village Fair rocked my socks off! i had an awesome time both nights and have 2 rolls of film that i have no recollection of taking! village fair this year was a million times better than last year- and the after party at the eddy went off! there was about a zillion townies and it was a major pinger fest but i got to meet the members of TZU (my fave) and beautifu girls and they were all super nice..
so now i have very sore muscles, many bruises and bags under my eyes that reach to my knees.. i cant wait for this week when it seems all my stoopid assignments are due at once,... ahhh i cant wait for holidays!
take care


Sep 1, 2004
North by Northwest and then turning slightly East
hey, im currently year 12 doing the hsc atm, and ive applied for about 20 different CSU courses- after hearing how u guys speak of on campus living (which is what i want) i cant wait to get there, but how hard is it to get into CSU- ive applied for BA Human Movement/ Communications Journo as my first preference and just Journo as my second (can anyone guess what i want to do in life?). CSU sounds too good to be true, but im worried that im gonna miss out and have to do soemthing like a Ba English at Newcatsle and have to spend another four years in the dump i live in atm (No offence to Newey ppl, your uni is cool, but i want to move out of home!) so yeah, is it really tough to get in or what?


Aug 23, 2003
Dully Hill, Sydney
dude, CSU Bathurst is the bomb!

im a straight Journo... and no that has nothing to do with my sexuality... umm well what i was told in my very first lecture is that communication students in Bathurst are the "cream of the crop" and dont just think that because you have a high UAI that you are automatically in...Although believe me it does help a lot! Make sure your essays are fucking awsome and you bullshit about work experience (but dont make it obvious bullshit like..."i worked as the editor for the SMH..blah blah blah") say you worked in the communications industry as a receptionist or something.....twist it like that...

Most of the people here (not me) are from prissy Sydney private schools etc so automatically their UAI's advantaged them when applying for a comm course... I live with a dude who got a UAI of 98.95 in 2003, so that obviously says something about the credibility of comm courses here....right?

I got a UAI of 92 last year, but when you get here that means shit all beacause to be quite honest i think im one of the dumbest journos on campus... that can be blamed on severe binge drinking though :)

anyway...i know none of that helped, but im excited to see someone as excited as i was last year!!! your post looks identical to one that i wrote at exacly this time last year....weird

ummm...im off to the pub, i could send you the essays i wrote last year to get in here....but u'd probably copy them and i get into shit...so yeah :) anyway...

peace out



New Member
Oct 26, 2004

GDAY HI...how u going boys, young fro and jez, living it up here at CSU Bathurst..

now guys if you are wondering what diggings is like, there is absolutly nothing wrong with it, i'm a first year, and i myself had my preferences as JOV, towers, and windradyne, all catered...but then they threw me on the waiting list, and i then said i'd take anything, and i got diggings, and it has been the best year of my life...

the blokes i met are awesome and even more theres nothing wrong with the ladies either...haha...nuh diggings is the freindliest place hey, everyones awesome and fro is correct it has the best veiwing for the races, we didnt even have to pay for a ticket to see everything..we sat there with a case or corona, ben harper, sausages and a cricket bat (that i broke)...hmm..

just to add on to that, catered food is apparently crap, i mean i had it in O week and i ended up buying my own food...its awesome to go to woolies every week and buy whatever u want, and u can eat whenever u want, no line-up..just little things that add up to a great time in diggings...

now fro we are going to have to do something with that liver infection of yours..because bendy isnt liking going out and seeing fro remembering everything i do that night, because its just not natural..aha

p.s people, when u come up here, become a memeber at bathurst RSL, not panthers, because the snooker is much better and u get free cheese and jatz..hmm very random but theres nothing wrong with that.

enjoy your decision making people and hope to see u guys next year at DIGGINGS..that is all


Sep 1, 2004
North by Northwest and then turning slightly East
gee, i was really looking forward to going to Bathurst, but now im kinda thinking im gonna struggle to get in....im spending half my summer holidays working with abc radio in newcatsle and channel 10 in sydney, do u htink that will be enough work experience? Jizmeister, could you possible email your essays top me so i can see what i should be writing, cos i really have no clue. And i wouldnt copy them, just take very large chunks from them....if i can get hold of someone elses essays then it becomes research, not plaigarism according to my extension two english teacher ( im very prepared to be cited for copying when they mark my work tho!).
No but seriously, im so keen to get to bathurst and would appreciate any help that anyone could give me. Cheers.


Oct 22, 2004
Well... sounds like everyone is commander keen for getting into CSU! and there's nothing wrong with that! Its a natural thing!
Guys, about the essays - depending on which course you are going for - don't worry about em too much. I'm doing commercial radio and my essay was pretty basic - just answering the question! Thats all they want - do some research and tell em what they wanna hear. As for the one about meself - i just said how involved i was in the industry, how its such a major part of our lives and how awesome it would be to be involved in the other side of things - the production side.
Though, what i say here is based on my entrance essay as a comm radio - there is only 15 of us so what i wrote must have been somewhat good... What im getting at is that it may be a tad different for journo's. theres alot more of you guys so the entrance process will probably be more complex (since writing articles and essays is what you are intending to do as a profession....)
That being said - just be honest. Take heed to Jez's advice though - bullshit about work experience.... that'll always get you brownie points.... But don't stress too much about it. It's just an essay... its not the end of the world
Anyhoo - i have to apply for an extension for this assingment that i've been putting off (115? Due last friday - i trust you've done it jez???)... too much snooker with me ol mate bendy... you bastard
So peace out guys, hopefully we'll party on next year!


Active Member
Aug 3, 2002
hey fro you do com radio as well?
how are you finding 1st year? i think you guys have a sweet advantage over us 2nd years.. at least your lecturer hasnt taken off with your exam papers and assignments leaving you at the mercy of some random extrernal marker! Com radio is fun but i think im going to do advertising as a degree afterwards.. i may as well... ive done pretty much 3/4 of the adv course already..

im so surprised at the amount of people that are wanting to get into csu these days.. its nuts! as for the prissy sydney people (i assume youre referring to the coffee club jez?) they seem to be infiltrating at a super fast rate... it wasnt like this last year at all!!! CSU is just becomming more and more popular.. maybe cause its so damn fun!

im in catered accom. and the food is ummm well... interesting at times to say the least! im still in catered cause its just heaps easier. i can drive but i dont have a car so having bfast lunch and dinner served up to me about 50m from my bedroom is pretty sweet. plus the whole money thing, i know that ive got 3 meals waiting for me without having to stress about the rapidly diminishing dollars in my bank account!

As for UAI, i guess it helps to get a high one, but i know people who got uai's in the 60s and 70s and they were accepted. If you dont get in, you can always do another course and transfer after the first semester at the earliest.

hey jez did you go to the game today?! campbells leg.. YUCK... i feel sorry for him though.. thats not a fun injury, especially coming into summer. did you know that they had to take him to hospital in orange cause bathurst doesnt have the facilities!? poor guy..

ok well im off to do some gay advertising copywriting
bye now!


Oct 22, 2004
Yeh our course is pretty good. Very similar to advertising course though as you mentioned. Its good to have friends in second year advo as i has get notes and shit from them. Bonus
About the Heath Cottrel game. WHat actually happened to that bloke - we were all there and left as soon as it ended cuz it was fuckin freezing
Anyways - must go get ready for Blokes and Shielas! should be pretty good
Seeyall round


Active Member
Aug 3, 2002
argh! it was too too cold!
campbell ended up breaking 2 bones in his leg...one was some sort of crazy break where the bone goes retarded or something (can you tell im a comm?!) he had surgery this morning on it and it seems to have all went ok..

blokes and shielas was an awesome nite last year but ive just got too much work to get through so im sitting this one out
have a good nite!


Aug 4, 2004
just wondering if someone can tell me if there many jobs on campus or in the town itself cause i desperatley need money if im going to actually have a life.

and i am going to put JOV as my first choice for accomodation, is this a wise decision??


New Member
Oct 11, 2004
Orange (No! not the Fruit)
Bathurst CSU??

Bathurst Is a small town (Compared to Orange hehe:p) But its shouldn't be hard to find a Job their Especially with the X'mas season comming up alot of casual and part time work is available. Plus its a rather big uni in the Country so lot fo people offer jorbs to Uni students. Other wise you can come to Orange during the weeekends or during the holidays. (Much more jorbs offered here)

I worked with a couple of Uni Students form CSU Bathurst when I was working at the Warehouse.

Hope I helped?!?! :D

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