Recent content by bessie

  1. B

    Religous Rites - essay

    I know its probably a little late now, but you dont havee any links where I could get qoutes like the ones above do you? Because I really doont have the time at the moment to read through the bible and the Talmund :O
  2. B

    my multiple choice answers

    Yeah i got C for 9. Q5 is def C Other than that i got 2 and 3 wrong....... that was stupid :(
  3. B

    Religous Rites - essay

    Thanks for your help guys. Ill try and fit in improving this between my Ext english, Legal and Biology Study. This last week is very hectic on my timetable. Ill try and get a few quotes to back it all up.
  4. B

    2002 HSC SecI Q10

    I dont think there really going to be expecting to much in the way of mathematics skills. Dont think about it too much. Its the straight forward answer.
  5. B

    Creative writing ideas...

    Yeah Im just gona haave a general plan for if they ask a question from, a composers point of view, a characters point of view or a responder. But ii dunno, i havent really thought about the creative too much, which i know is dumb because it worth the same. Fotr a story line just pick...
  6. B

    Finished HSC!! (merged)

    Re: Finished HSC!! i have 4 left. and ive got them all over the next 5 days (excluding th weekend)... so stop whingeing. And JhK89, how can you possibly be bored. Why arent you drunk, or out doing something other than sitting in front of the computer. Stop worrying about your UAI, you...
  7. B

    Religous Rites - essay

    Alright, thanks for clearing that up.
  8. B

    Religous Rites - essay

    Thanks Snapperhead. I agree with you that its more or less just a description rather than an evaluation, thanks for pointing that out. And it needs to be more comparitive. With regards to the standards packages, the board only has the 2001 and 2002 papers. So there not essays, there just 3...
  9. B

    Religous Rites - essay

    Wow.. thanks alot goliwog that was really helpful. Yeah, I havent really been able to get much feedback on it, so thanks alot for taking the time out to read it. I didnt think anyone was going to reply to my sad thread :) I'll be sure to include some of that stuff in it. Cheers. I just hope...
  10. B

    URGENT!!! I&S Creative Writing help!!!

    well we were told that we are supposed to be one of the characters from one of the prescribed texts, you dont need to name them but it should be clear. But thats only if they ask you for it. And yeah im not to sure about paradigms, you dont recount the actual story, you could just reflect the...
  11. B

    When the HSC is OVER I'm going to....

    Wow...... you really do live up to your location.
  12. B

    Own Interpretations

    Yeh its part of th ruric to compare 'your on' interpretation of the play with others. So if the question asks for your own you'll be losing marks if you dont. You could express your own opinion either by stating it as fact or in first person. I wasnt sure whether or not you could use "I" so i...
  13. B

    2005 QUESTION - King lear letter writing (Edmund, Regan)

    Fuck that'd be hard, I dont know any characters in that much detail, thats not a HSC question though is it? I dont think they tend to be that specifc, cause they hav to ask an almost identical question for everyones text. You could link it to interpretations and productions through how your...
  14. B

    Someone burnt the AoS Paper!

    lol, i already burnt the stupid stimulus booklet. yay..... :) Its cooler than paper 1 cause you get lotsa funky coloured flames.