Recent content by lovelove♥

  1. lovelove♥

    What I will NOT miss about year 10

    theres only one.... GEOGRAPHY. (frikking hate this shiet ass subject)
  2. lovelove♥

    where do you work?

    hungry jacks LOL
  3. lovelove♥

    twilight series

    i LOVE this series ♥ ! the story is so nice :shy: and i CANNOT WAIT for the movie :p
  4. lovelove♥

    Favourite TV shows

    Prison Break, Heroes and Supernatural <3 ! + 90210, Desperate Housewives, The OC, The Simpsons, Ghost Whisperer, House, Greys Anatomy, Friends, Medium, Lost, Criminal Minds, Bones..
  5. lovelove♥

    Favourite Quotes.

    LOL hahah love this quote. Summer is frikken awesome :p
  6. lovelove♥

    Worst TV Show(s)

    lol all today tonight does is b*tch about something or another :X
  7. lovelove♥

    Ramsay says f*** 80 times in TV show

    LOL Ramsay is frikkin hilarious :lol:
  8. lovelove♥

    Hair Straighteners

    i got a ceramic VS sassoon for about $100 and it's pretty good ;) but GHD is the elite in hair straightening LOL :cool:
  9. lovelove♥

    Getting a Job. Before Hsc or after Hsc

    probably wait after so then you don't have to worry about studying and what not ;) my sis works at woolies and her pay is pretty good. omg don't work at hungry jacks LOL the work is alright (i like it) but the pay is so crap you wouldn't believe :(
  10. lovelove♥

    Foods that make you go 'eww'...

    bacon. UGH the smell of frying bacon makes me wanna hurl. i just don't like it at all for some reason...
  11. lovelove♥

    Hottest Male Tennis Player

    gael monfils, roger federer and richard gasquet are cute... andy roddick, james blake and marat safin are HOT.. and novak djokovic = VERY HOT!
  12. lovelove♥

    work relationships

    i think its alright for workers to get together... LOL i love the guys at my work, they're all so nice :p ... not sure about mangers and workers though o_O it'd be kinda wierd if they're like... really old.. but my managers are pretty young so yeah i guess it wouldn't be that bad.