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  • My friend is very sweet. (Hello Sile, how are you today?)

    I don't know...I tend to find it changes depending on who I'm with and what mood I'm in. Versatile is the commonly used word I believe. (Although, I don't know, as a general guideline it seems like the taller person usually tops, so...yeah...:eek:)
    And then he asked, so if you and townie got together, who would be the bottom.

    And I kicked him in the testicles.
    timilai maya garchu = i love you
    timro naam ke ho= what is your name
    mero naam alex ho= my name is alex
    Nah, it's a pretty epic idea to meet some dudes, it just scares the hell out of me, anxiety.
    A 20 year old corolla is not worth spending $2-3k on.

    Why did the engine overheat?

    For ~$3000 you should get a later model mazda 121 or Ford festiva (mazda is a better car). Sips fuel and phenomenally reliable.
    Lamy Safaris are very good for daily bashing around. I've used mine nearly every day for six years and it has served me well (with a few nib replacements due to accidents!). They're very good value for money and they look stylish too. And writing with a fountain pen sorted out my handwriting too; my writing with a ballpoint still looks like chickenscratch :p
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